Acts and Regulations

Browse by Title

Chapter Title Department
2011, c.123 Canadian Judgments Act Justice and Public Safety
2003-18 General  
2018, c.2 Cannabis Control Act Health
2018-89 General  
2018, c.4 Cannabis Education and Awareness Fund Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2018, c.3 Cannabis Management Corporation Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2018-59 General  
2022, c.5, s.3 Cannabis Retailers Licensing Act Health
2022-40 General  
C-1 Cemetery Companies Act Health
94-129 General  
C-1.1 Le Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne Act Executive Council
2014, c.103 Change of Name Act Service New Brunswick
88-57 General  
2011, c.124 Charitable Donation of Food Act Social Development
2022, c.35 Child and Youth Well-Being Act Social Development
2024-4 General  
2024-5 Adoption  
2024-6 Child and Youth Social Services  
2024-7 Forms  
C-2.7 Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act Legislative Assembly
C-4.5 Civil Forfeiture Act Justice and Public Safety
C-5.1 Civil Service Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
84-229 Board of Management General  
84-230 Exclusions  
93-137 General  
95-17 Notice Period  
2011, c.125 Class Proceedings Act Justice and Public Safety
C-5.2 Clean Air Act Environment and Local Government
97-131 Appeal  
97-132 Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons  
97-133 Air Quality  
98-41 Administrative Penalties  
2001-98 Public Participation  
C-6 Clean Environment Act Environment and Local Government
82-126 Water Quality  
84-179 Appeal  
87-83 Environmental Impact Assessment  
87-97 Petroleum Product Storage and Handling  
2002-19 Used Oil  
2008-54 Designated Materials  
C-6.1 Clean Water Act Environment and Local Government
90-78 Appeal  
90-79 Water Well  
90-80 Watercourse and Wetland Alteration  
90-120 Protected Area Exemption  
93-201 Fees for Industrial Approvals  
93-203 Potable Water  
2000-47 Wellfield Protected Area Designation  
2001-83 Watershed Protected Area Designation  
2002-13 Water Classification  
2020-20 Prerequisites for Development Approvals and Building Permits  
2018, c.11 Climate Change Act Environment and Local Government
2021-43 Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions  
2021-44 Penalties Regulation  
2011, c.126 Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
84-256 General  
2014, c.48 Combat Sport Act Tourism, Heritage and Culture
2014-131 General  
2011, c.127 Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2011, c.128 Common Business Identifier Act Service New Brunswick
2002-51 Designation  
2022, c.40, s.1 Community Funding Act Environment and Local Government
2023-35 Regional Services Support Fund  
2017, c.19 Community Planning Act Environment and Local Government
2019-28 Assessment and Planning Appeal Tribunal  
2019-46 Development Charge  
2020-9 Fees  
2020-20 Prerequisites for Development Approvals and Building Permits  
2021-83 Designated Easements Regulation  
2023-36 Tax Rate Differential  
2023-52 Inclusionary Zoning  
2023-53 Statement of Public Interest  
C-13 Companies Act Service New Brunswick
81-187 Forms  
83-53 Annual Filing Fees  
84-203 Incorporation Fees  
C-16.05 Condominium Property Act Service New Brunswick
2009-169 General  
2011, c.129 Conflict of Interest Act Executive Council
83-134 Conflict of Interest  
2012, c.102 Conflict of Laws Rules for Trusts Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.130 Conservation Easements Act Natural Resources and Energy Development
98-58 General  
2023, c.15 Construction Prompt Payment and Adjudication Act
2020, c.29 Construction Remedies Act Justice and Public Safety
2021-81 General  
C-17.5 Consumer Advocate for Insurance Act Legislative Assembly
C-18.1 Consumer Product Warranty and Liability Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2024, c.1 Consumer Protection Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2011, c.131 Contributory Negligence Act Justice and Public Safety
2019, c.24 Cooperatives Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
C-23 Coroners Act Justice and Public Safety
84-79 Fees and Forms  
2022-68 Death Review Committee  
C-24 Corporations Act Service New Brunswick
2011, c.132 Corrections Act Service New Brunswick
84-257 General  
C-28.3 Cost of Credit Disclosure and Payday Loans Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2010-104 General  
2017-23 Payday Lending  
2011, c.133 Council of Maritime Premiers Act Executive Council
2014, c.104 Court Security Act Justice and Public Safety
2017, c.27 Credit Reporting Services Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2019, c.25 Credit Unions Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2019-31 Deposit Insurance  
2011, c.134 Criminal Prosecution Expenses Act Justice and Public Safety
83-66 Table of Fees and Allowances  
2016, c.100 Cross-Border Policing Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.135 Crown Debts Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.136 Crown Grant Restrictions Act Natural Resources and Energy Development
C-38.1 Crown Lands and Forests Act Natural Resources and Energy Development
86-160 Timber  
2009-62 Lands Administration  
2011, c.137 Custody and Detention of Young Persons Act Justice and Public Safety
92-71 General