2In this Regulation
“aboveground storage tank” means a storage tank other than an underground storage tank;(réservoir de stockage hors-sol)
“Act” means the Clean Environment Act;(Loi)
“atmospheric storage tank” means a storage tank designed to operate at pressures from atmospheric pressure to three and one-half kilopascals above atmospheric pressure;(réservoir de stockage sous pression atmosphérique)
“body of water” means a creek, stream, river, ocean, pond, lake, aquifer, well, reservoir, water pipe, ground water occurrence or any other such accumulation of or conduit of water whether above or below ground and includes a dry watercourse;(étendue d’eau réceptive)
“boiler” means an appliance intended to supply hot water or steam for space heating, processing or power purposes;(chaudière)
“building” means a structure used or intended to be used for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy;(bâtiment)
“bulk plant” means a system used or intended to be used by a wholesaler for the primary purpose of storage of a petroleum product that is to be delivered to a retail outlet or directly to a consumer by pipeline, tank vessel, tank vehicle or other container;(installation de produits pétroliers en vrac)
“cathodic protection” means a method of preventing corrosion to a metal surface by causing the surface to act as the cathode of an electrochemical cell;(protection cathodique)
“commence operations” means to begin dispensing a petroleum product from a storage tank for the purpose for which the petroleum product is intended;(débuter les opérations)
“crude oil” means unrefined petroleum product;(pétrole brut)
“dispenser” means a stationary device used to deliver or pump a petroleum product from a storage tank;(distributeur)
“dispensing unit” means a dispenser;(unité de distribution)
“distillery” means an industrial occupancy where flammable liquids produced by fermentation are concentrated and where the concentrated products may be mixed, stored or packaged;(distillerie)
“drum” means a container having a capacity of less than two hundred and thirty litres but more than thirty litres;(fût)
“emergency situation” means an unforeseen circumstance in which the excavation of a storage tank is required without delay in order to protect the environment or the safety, health or welfare of the public;(état d’urgence)
“flash point” means the minimum temperature at which a liquid within a container gives off vapour in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid;(point d’éclair)
“freeboard” means the vertical distance between the maximum elevation of the surface of the liquid in a dike and the minimum top elevation of the sides of a dike;(franc board)
“industrial occupancy” means the occupancy or use of a building or property or part of a building or property for assembling, fabricating, manufacturing, processing, repairing or storing of goods and materials;(occupation industrielle)
“low pressure storage tank” means a storage tank designed to operate at gauge pressures from three and one-half kilopascals to one hundred kilopascals;(réservoir de stockage à basse pression)
“lubricating oil” means a petroleum based oil that is being or is intended to be used primarily as a lubricant in combustion engines, turbines, transmissions, gearboxes, hydraulic equipment and other similar equipment;(huile lubrifiant)
“marina” means a premises at which a petroleum product is put or intended to be put into the fuel tank of water-craft or aircraft equipped to float on water;(marina)
“nominal capacity” means the capacity established by the manufacturer for a storage tank;(capacité nominale)
“non-combustible construction” means that type of construction in which a degree of fire safety is attained by the use of materials for structural members and other building assemblies that cannot be burned;(construction incombustible)
“operator” means the person responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and operation or who has the care, control or management of a system;(exploitant)
“out of service” in reference to a storage tank or system means a storage tank or system that has ceased to be used for activities that may be undertaken with the tank or system as set out on the most recent licence issued under this Regulation or on a registration, relating to that tank or system, or a storage tank or system for which no valid licence has been issued as required under this Regulation and no valid registration has been issued;(hors d’usage)
“owner” means the person who has possessory right to a system;(propriétaire)
“petroleum product” means a mixture of hydrocarbons or their by-products, of any kind and in any form, including airplane fuel, asphalt, bunker “C” oil, crude oil, diesel fuel, engine oil, fuel oil, gasoline, kerosene, lubricants, mineral spirits, naptha, petroleum based solvents regardless of specific gravity, transformer oil and waste petroleum products and excluding propane and paint;(produit pétrolier)
“portable container” means a reusable container that has a capacity of thirty litres or less, but excludes a container that is an integral part of or permanently attached to any appliance, equipment or vehicle;(récipient portatif)
“prepackaged container” means a container not intended for reuse;(récipient non réutilisable)
“pressure vessel” means a storage tank designed to operate at pressures greater than one hundred kilopascals above atmospheric pressure;(appareils à pression)
“refinery” means an industrial occupancy in which refined petroleum products are produced on a commercial scale from crude petroleum, natural gas or other hydrocarbon sources;(raffinerie)
“registration” means a registration under the Water Quality Regulation;(enregistrement)
“retail outlet” means a place where petroleum products are kept or stored in order to be sold directly to the user and includes a self-service outlet and a service station;(point de vente au détail)
“self-service outlet” means a place where the consumer handles the dispensing unit;(libre-service)
“service station” means a place at which petroleum products are put or intended to be put into motor vehicles and includes a self-service outlet;(station-service)
“storage tank” means a closed container with a capacity greater than two hundred and thirty litres, used or intended to be used for containing a petroleum product and located in a stationary location and includes a temporary arrangement on cradles, skids or wheels;(réservoir de stockage)
“storage tank system” means a storage tank or tanks including valves, piping, pumps, dispensers and other components connected to the tank or tanks and includes any dike or diked area, drainage channels and drainage piping and a storage tank or tanks at a marina unless otherwise specifically dealt with;(installation de réservoirs de stockage)
“street” means any highway, road, boulevard, square or other improved thoroughfare nine metres or more in width that has been dedicated or conveyed for public use and is accessible to fire department vehicles and equipment;(rue)
“system” means a storage tank system;(installation)
“transfer facility” means a place used or intended to be used to transfer a petroleum product from a transport vehicle to a bulk plant, from a bulk plant to a transport vehicle or from one vehicle to another;(installation de transvasement)
“underground storage tank” means a storage tank that has ten per cent or more of its volume, including the volume of attached underground piping, below adjacent ground level;(réservoir de stockage souterrain)
“unstable liquid” means a liquid, including a liquid petroleum product, that is chemically reactive to the extent that it will vigorously react or decompose at or near normal temperature and pressure conditions or that is chemically unstable when subjected to impact;(liquide instable)
“used lubricating oil” means lubricating oil that has become unsuitable for its original purpose because of the presence of impurities or the loss of its original properties.(huile lubrifiante usée)
“vapour pressure” means the pressure exerted by a liquid as determined by ASTM D323-82, “Standard Test Method for Vapour Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method)”;(pression de vapour)
“waste petroleum product” means a petroleum product, whether used or not, that is no longer suitable for use and includes a petroleum product being stored for the purpose of recycling;(produit pétrolier usagé)
“water-craft” means a craft designed to operate on water and includes aircraft equipped to float on water;
“Water Quality Regulation” means the Water Quality Regulation - Clean Environment Act, being New Brunswick Regulation 82-126 under the Clean Environment Act.(Règlement sur la qualité de l’eau)