1In this Schedule
“Act” means the Clean Water Act;(Loi)
“addition” means, when used with reference to a dwelling, the addition to the dwelling of an attached part that results in an increase to the useable floor area; (ajout)
“agricultural activity” means an activity in which land is used for producing crops or raising livestock and includes the operation of a plant nursery, greenhouse, riding school, riding stable, commercial dog kennel or sod farm but does not include a zoo, or the production of crops or raising of livestock in a laboratory for experimental purposes;(activité agricole)
“aquaculture operation” means the cultivation of aquatic plants and the raising of aquatic animals, but does not include such cultivation or raising in a laboratory for experimental purposes or in an aquarium;(exploitation aquacole)
“bank” , when used with reference to a watercourse, means the normal high water mark of the watercourse;(rive)
“clear cut” means to harvest 80 per cent or more of the merchantable trees in an area of forest land;(couper à blanc)
“clearcut” means an area of land on which the merchantable trees have previously been clear cut, and on which the regenerating forest has not yet reached an average height of 2 metres;(coupe à blanc)
“dwelling” means all of a building that contains one or more dwelling units;(habitation)
“dwelling unit” means a room, or a suite of 2 or more rooms, that is designed or intended for use by an individual or family, in which culinary facilities are provided and for which sanitary conveniences are provided, for the use primarily of the individual or family;(logement)
“existing” means, when used with reference to land or a building, structure or object in a protected area, in existence when the Order to which this Schedule is attached begins to apply to that protected area, and means, when used with reference to an activity or use in a protected area, being conducted when the Order to which this Schedule is attached begins to apply to that protected area;(existant)
“fuel” means a petroleum product that is made up of aliphatic or aromatic compounds;(carburant)
“green manuring” means the incorporation into the soil of plant material, other than a primary crop, while it is green or soon after its maturity, for the purpose of improving the soil;(application d’engrais verts)
“landscaping” means the alteration of existing ground conditions together with the construction of ground features and includes the construction of minor structures, but does not include the construction of garages, swimming pools, ponds or other major structures;(aménagement de paysage)
“mineral extraction” means the extraction of any natural and solid, inorganic or fossilized organic substance, but does not include the extraction of
(extraction de minéraux)
sand, gravel, clay or soil, unless it is to be used for its chemical or special physical properties, or both, or unless it is to be used for its contained minerals,
ordinary stone to be used for building or construction, and
minerals from above, on or under the ground and their exploitation, resulting in the production of spoils, tailings or solid wastes after the processing of ore;
“multiple-family dwelling” means a dwelling containing more than one dwelling unit;(habitation multifamiliale)
“new” means, in relation to anything within a protected area, coming into existence or beginning after the Order to which this Schedule is attached begins to apply to that protected area;(nouveau)
“parcel” means a parcel of land to which Service New Brunswick has assigned one parcel identifier;(parcelle)
“permitted watercourse crossing” means a watercourse crossing that is permitted under and is in accordance with the Watercourse Alteration Regulation - Clean Water Act;(passage permis de cours d’eau)
“protected area” means a Protected Area A, a Protected Area B or a Protected Area C;(secteur protégé)
“Protected Area A” means all or a portion of a watercourse shown as a Protected Area A on a plan attached with this Schedule and includes all the area between the banks of the watercourse or portion and all of the water in the watercourse or portion;(secteur protégé A)
“Protected Area B” means the portion of a watershed shown as a Protected Area B on a plan attached with this Schedule, being the area within seventy-five metres of the banks of each watercourse or portion of a watercourse shown as a Protected Area A on the plan;(secteur protégé B)
“Protected Area C” means an area shown as a Protected Area C on a plan attached with this Schedule;(secteur protégé C)
“public beach” means public or private land to which the general public has access for the purpose of swimming;(plage publique)
“public boat launching area” means public or private land to which the general public has access for the purpose of launching boats;(zone publique de mise à l’eau de bateaux)
“public water supply system” means a public water supply system as defined in the Wellfield Protected Area Designation Order - Clean Water Act;(installation d’approvisionnement public en eau)
“recreational activity” means an activity in which land, water or a building or structure is used for the purpose of play or the refreshment of mind or body;(activité de loisir et de sport)
“renovate” , with reference to a building, means to restore to good condition or to repair;(rénover)
“residential” , with reference to land or a building, means used primarily as a residence;(résidentiel)
“riprap” means clean, inorganic, non-ore-bearing, non-toxic, angular, durable, quarried or field rocks that have been obtained from a source other than a watercourse and at least 60 per cent of which have a volume of at least .03 cubic metre;(perré)
“road” means the entire width between the boundary lines of every highway, street, road, lane or alley when any part of them is used for the passage or parking of vehicles, and includes the bridges on a road and overpasses and underpasses;(chemin)
“selection cut” means to cut trees so that
(faire une coupe de jardinage)
a well-distributed stand of trees and other vegetation is maintained,
the trees cut are limited to 10 centimetres or more in diameter at 1.36 metres above ground level, and
no openings greater than 300 square metres are created in the forest canopy;
“single-family dwelling” means a dwelling containing only one dwelling unit;(habitation unifamiliale)
“surface mineral exploration” means, when undertaken on or above the surface of the earth, the following:
(exploration minière à ciel ouvert)
establishing grid lines;
geological, geophysical and geochemical surveying; and
boundary or control surveys and topographic mapping;
“underground mineral exploration” means, when undertaken below the surface of the earth, the following:
(exploration minière souterraine)
establishing grid lines;
geological, geophysical and geochemical surveying;
boundary or control surveys and topographic mapping;
drilling where core or cuttings are taken and logged or analyzed;
trenching where the ore body is exposed but no bulk sample is taken;
geophysical logging of drill holes;
logging of drill core or cuttings; and
hydrogeologic exploration for ground water evaluation;
“useable floor area” means the floor area within a dwelling that is being or can be used for human inhabitation, including but not limited to living rooms, dining rooms, family rooms, recreation rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, hallways, closets, bathrooms, washrooms, offices, basements, porches and stairways, but not including crawlspaces, decks and garages.(surface de plancher utilisable)