2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Clean Water Act; (Loi)
“applicable standard” means, with reference to a class of water, any standard set out in columns 2 to 5 of Schedule A beside the name of the class of water in column 1 of Schedule A, or, in the case of the Outstanding Natural Waters class when subsection 11(3) applies, any standard determined to apply under that subsection; (norme applicable)
“appropriate use” means a use that, if carried out by a person, would not constitute a violation of the Act or any other legislation, or a regulation, order or by-law made under any of them; (utilisation appropriée)
“aquatic life” means plant, animal and other species that live all or part of their lives in the water; (vie aquatique)
“estuary” means that part of a watercourse where fresh water meets and measurably dilutes salt water, and where the biotic community, including the vegetation, is characteristic of waters ranging in salinity from 5 to 20 parts per thousand; (estuaire)
“existing use” means, with reference to water that is classified or reclassified as any class under this Regulation, any use of the water that is being conducted at the time when the classification or reclassification of the water becomes effective, regardless of the purpose for which it is used; (utilisation existante)
“impoundment” means an artificially created watercourse having the characteristics of a lake; (réservoir)
“mixing zone” means the immediate area within the receiving water of a watercourse, where a contaminant being released into the receiving water is initially diluted, but does not include an area where the contaminant is treated; (zone de mélange)
“naturally occurring” means, with reference to an aquatic community or the water of a watercourse, displaying biological, chemical and physical characteristics that are not affected or are only minimally or temporarily affected by human activity; (être dans son état naturel)
“Panel” means the Outstanding Natural Waters Class Review Panel established under section 12; (Comité)
“ppm” means parts per million; (ppm)
“Protected Area A” means a Protected Area A that is designated as a protected area under the Watershed Protected Area Designation Order; (secteur protégé A)
“receiving water” means the water within a watercourse that receives a contaminant; (partie réceptrice du cours d’eau)
“significant withdrawal” means, with reference to the withdrawal of water from a watercourse, a withdrawal at a rate of more than 45 litres per minute, or at a rate of more than ten per cent of the flow of the water in the watercourse at the time of withdrawal, whichever is the lower rate; (prélèvement important)
“trophic status” means the status of the biological productivity of the water of a watercourse, based on measures of the secchi depth, chlorophyll a or phosphorus or a combination of them; (état trophique)
“under this Regulation” means, with reference to the classification of water, classified as a class in this Regulation or under a Water Classification Order; (en vertu du présent règlement)
“Water Classification Order” means an order made under section 3, subsection 7(3) or (4) or section 11; (décret relatif à la classification des eaux)
“Watershed Protected Area Designation Order” means New Brunswick Regulation 2001-83 under the Clean Water Act. (Décret de désignation du secteur protégé de bassins hydrographiques)