Beginning at the intersection of the most northerly limits of Priestman Street with the most easterly limits of Regent Street, said point having N.B. co-ordinates (960161.20E, 796182.42N); thence from the place of beginning following the said limits of Regent Street on an azimuth of thirty-two degrees, seven minutes and twenty-two seconds (32
° - 07′ - 22″), a distance of nine hundred fifty-seven and seventy-three hundredths feet (957.73′) to a point; thence on an azimuth of one hundred twenty-one degrees, one minute and fifty-two seconds (121
° - 01′ - 52″), a distance of seven hundred forty-four and fifty-seven hundredths feet (744.57′) to a point having N.B. co-ordinates (961308.48E, 796609.71N); thence on an azimuth of two hundred ten degrees, forty-eight minutes and fifty-six seconds (210
° - 48′ - 56″), a distance of five hundred thirty-seven and thirty hundredths feet (537.30′) to a point on the most northerly limits of the New Brunswick Telephone Company Limited property, thence on an azimuth of three hundred degrees, forty-nine minutes and two seconds (300
° - 49′ - 02″), along the said boundary of the N.B. Tel property a distance of four hundred eighty-three and forty hundredths feet (483.40′) to a point; thence on an azimuth of two hundred ten degrees, forty-eight minutes and fifty-six seconds (210
° - 48′ - 56″), a distance of four hundred seventeen and forty hundredths feet (417.40′) to the said limits of Priestman Street; thence along the said limits of Priestman Street on an azimuth of three hundred degrees, forty-nine minutes and two seconds (300
° - 49′ - 02″) a distance of two hundred eighty-three and zero hundredths feet (283.00′) to the place of beginning.