“Act” means the Clean Water Act;(Loi)
“agricultural activity” means an activity in which land is used for producing crops or raising livestock and includes the operation of a plant nursery, greenhouse, riding school, riding stable, commercial dog kennel or sod farm;(activité agricole)
“chemical” means a substance obtained by chemistry or used in a process in chemistry, which, if released into the environment, could render water unfit for human consumption;(produit chimique)
“commercial activity” means an activity in which land or a building or structure is used for the purpose of buying and selling goods or selling services;(activité commerciale)
“dense, non-aqueous phase liquid” means a liquid that has a density greater than that of water and that cannot be mixed with water;(liquide dense en phase non aqueuse)
“distribution system” means works that convey or are able to convey water from the source to the users of the water and includes the well, the well house, pipes, human-made storage reservoirs, pumping stations, fire hydrants, service connections and associated valves;(réseau de distribution)
“dwelling” means all or a portion of the principal building on a parcel that contains one or more dwelling units;(habitation)
“dwelling unit” means a room, or a suite of 2 or more rooms, that is designed or intended for use by an individual or family, in which culinary facilities are provided and for which sanitary conveniences are provided, for the use primarily of the individual or family;(logement)
“existing” means, when used with reference to land or a building, structure or object in a zone, in existence when the Order to which this Schedule is attached commences to apply to that zone, and means, when used with reference to a use or activity in a zone, being conducted when the Order to which this Schedule is attached commences to apply to that zone;(existant)
“forested parcel” means a parcel or portion of a parcel on which is located, in the opinion of the Minister, a plant community composed principally of trees, combined with associated vegetation, growing closely together;(parcelle boisée)
“heat pump” means equipment that removes natural heat from the earth and converts it for use in heating air or water in a building;(thermopompe)
“industrial activity” means an activity in which land or a building or structure is used for the production of goods, whether or not the goods are sold at the location where they are produced, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes a sawmill operation and a lumber yard;(activité industrielle)
“institutional activity” means an activity in which land or a building or structure is used for the purpose of religious worship, or for the purpose of a school, a hospital, a government office or another established organization dedicated to public service;(activité institutionnelle)
“liquid petroleum product” means a mixture of hydrocarbons, with or without additives, that is used or could be used as a fuel or lubricant and, without restricting the foregoing, includes gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, naphtha, fuel oil and engine oil and excludes propane and natural gas;(produit pétrolier sous forme liquide)
“liquid petroleum storage tank” includes all valves, pipes and other components connected to a liquid petroleum storage tank;(réservoir de stockage de pétrole sous forme liquide)
“mineral exploration” means original exploration and development work, including the following:
(exploration minière)
establishing grid lines;
geological, geophysical and geochemical surveying;
drilling where core or cuttings are taken and logged or analyzed;
trenching where the ore body is exposed but no bulk sample is taken;
geophysical logging of drill holes;
logging of drill core or cuttings; and
boundary or control surveys and topographic mapping;
“multiple-family dwelling” means a dwelling containing more than one dwelling unit;(habitation multifamiliale)
“new” means, in relation to anything within a zone, coming into existence or commencing after the Order to which this Schedule is attached commences to apply to that zone;(nouveau)
“non-forested parcel” means a parcel that is not a forested parcel;(parcelle non boisée)
“parcel” means a parcel of land to which Service New Brunswick has assigned one parcel identifier;(parcelle)
“production well” means a well, other than a monitoring well, from which a public water supply is drawn;(puits de production)
“public ground water supply system” means a public water supply system that uses ground water as a water source;(installation d’approvisionnement public en eaux souterraines)
“public utility system” means a system that, regardless of the owner of the system,
(système de service public)
produces, transmits, delivers or furnishes heat, light, water, gas or power to or for use by the public,
collects, treats and disposes of wastewater for the public,
collects and treats storm water runoff for the public, or
conveys telecommunications to or for use by the public;
“recreational activity” means an activity in which land or a building or structure is used for the purpose of play or the refreshment of mind or body;(activité de loisir et de sport)
“renovate” , with reference to a building, means to restore to good condition or to repair;(rénover)
“residential” , with reference to land or a building, means used primarily as a residence;(résidentiel)
“road” means the entire width between the boundary lines of every highway, street, road, lane, alley, park, parking lot, drive-in theatre, school yard, picnic site, beach, winter road across ice or other place when any part of them is used for the passage or parking of vehicles, and includes the bridges, curbs, sidewalks and gutters on a road, overpasses and underpasses;(chemin)
“single-family dwelling” means a dwelling containing only one dwelling unit;(habitation unifamiliale)
“useable floor area” means the floor area within a dwelling that is being or can be used for human inhabitation, including but not limited to living rooms, kitchens, hallways, closets, bathrooms, washrooms, bedrooms, offices, basements, porches and stairways, but not including crawl spaces, decks and garages;(surface de plancher utilisable)
“well head” means the top of a well casing projecting above the earth’s surface or, in respect of a well casing ending below the earth’s surface, means the location where such a well casing would pass through the earth’s surface if projected above it and includes the reservoirs that collect and contain the water for the public ground water supply system for the Village of Doaktown, Fundy Albert and Memramcook;(tête de puits)
“zone” means a Zone A, a Zone B or a Zone C;(zone)
“Zone A” means any area shown as a Zone A on any plan attached with this Schedule;(zone A)
“Zone B” means any area shown as a Zone B on any plan attached with this Schedule;(zone B)
“Zone C” means any area shown as a Zone C on any plan attached with this Schedule.(zone C)