1The following definitions apply in this Act.
“certification order” means an order certifying a proceeding as a class proceeding. (ordonnance de certification)
“class proceeding” means a proceeding under this Act, even if a motion for certification of the proceeding as a class proceeding has not yet been determined by the court. (recours collectif)
“common issues” means
(questions communes)
common but not necessarily identical issues of fact, or
common but not necessarily identical issues of law that arise from common but not necessarily identical facts.
“court” means The Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick, and includes any judge of that court. (cour)
“decertification order” means an order decertifying a proceeding as a class proceeding. (ordonnance annulant la certification)
“defendant” includes a respondent. (défendeur)
“party” means a representative plaintiff, a defendant or a person that the court adds as a party but does not include individual class or subclass members. (partie)
“plaintiff” includes an applicant. (demandeur)
“representative plaintiff” means a person who is appointed under this Act as the representative plaintiff for a class or subclass in respect of a class proceeding, and, when the context requires, includes a person who is seeking to be appointed as a representative plaintiff. (représentant demandeur)
“settlement class” means those persons who constitute a settlement class under section 5. (groupe faisant l’objet d’un règlement amiable)
2006, c.C-5.15, s.1; 2023, c.17, s.25