Acts and Regulations

Browse by Chapter

Chapter Title Department
2011, c.23 Referendum Act Legislative Assembly
2012-55 Referendum Procedures  
2012-56 Referendum Financing  
2011, c.101 Adult Education and Training Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
2011, c.103 Age of Majority Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.105 Agricultural Commodity Price Stabilization Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
2011, c.106 Agricultural Development Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
84-295 General  
85-19 Swine Industry Financial Restructuring  
90-27 Fur Industry Loan  
2011, c.107 Agricultural Operation Practices Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
2002-94 General  
2011, c.108 Agricultural Producers Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
2007-70 General  
2011, c.109 Air Space Act Service New Brunswick
2011, c.110 Anatomy Act Health
84-131 General  
2011, c.111 Apiary Inspection Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
97-98 General  
2011, c.113 Arts Development Trust Fund Act Tourism, Heritage and Culture
2011, c.116 An Act Respecting the Role of the Attorney General Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.117 Auctioneers Licence Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2011, c.118 Auditor General Act Legislative Assembly
2011, c.119 Beaverbrook Art Gallery Act Tourism, Heritage and Culture
2011, c.120 Beaverbrook Auditorium Act Tourism, Heritage and Culture
2011, c.122 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act Justice and Public Safety
84-174 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code  
84-175 Heating Plants and Power Plants  
84-176 Propane, Natural and Medical Gas  
84-177 Standards  
2011, c.123 Canadian Judgments Act Justice and Public Safety
2003-18 General  
2011, c.124 Charitable Donation of Food Act Social Development
2011, c.125 Class Proceedings Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.126 Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
84-256 General  
2011, c.127 Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2011, c.128 Common Business Identifier Act Service New Brunswick
2002-51 Designation  
2011, c.129 Conflict of Interest Act Executive Council
83-134 Conflict of Interest  
2011, c.130 Conservation Easements Act Natural Resources and Energy Development
98-58 General  
2011, c.131 Contributory Negligence Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.132 Corrections Act Service New Brunswick
84-257 General  
2011, c.133 Council of Maritime Premiers Act Executive Council
2011, c.134 Criminal Prosecution Expenses Act Justice and Public Safety
83-66 Table of Fees and Allowances  
2011, c.135 Crown Debts Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.136 Crown Grant Restrictions Act Natural Resources and Energy Development
2011, c.137 Custody and Detention of Young Persons Act Justice and Public Safety
92-71 General  
2011, c.138 An Act Respecting a Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace Executive Council
2011, c.139 Defamation Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.140 Degree Granting Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
2001-9 General  
2011, c.141 Direct Sellers Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
84-151 General  
2011, c.142 Diseases of Animals Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
83-105 General  
2011, c.143 Easements Act
2011, c.144 Electrical Installation and Inspection Act Justice and Public Safety
82-215 Lightning Protection System  
84-165 General  
2011, c.145 Electronic Transactions Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.146 Emergency 911 Act Justice and Public Safety
96-104 General  
2008-23 NB 911 Service Fee  
2011, c.147 Emergency Measures Act Justice and Public Safety
83-71 Disaster Assistance to Municipalities  
84-7 Emergency Planning for the Continuity of the Government of New Brunswick  
2011, c.148 Employment Development Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
89-145 General  
2011, c.149 Energy Efficiency Act Natural Resources and Energy Development
95-70 General  
2011, c.150 Entry Warrants Act Justice and Public Safety
88-218 Forms  
2011, c.151 Environmental Trust Fund Act Environment and Local Government
2011, c.152 Executive Council Act Executive Council
82-238 Designation  
2011, c.153 Factors and Agents Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.154 Family Income Security Act Social Development
95-61 General  
2011, c.156 Farm Income Assurance Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
2011, c.157 Federal Courts Jurisdiction Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.158 Fees Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2011, c.159 Film and Video Act Justice and Public Safety
89-80 Film  
91-95 Videofilm  
2011, c.160 Financial Administration Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
82-156 Fees for Services Provided under the Companies Act  
82-157 Fees for Admission into Properties of the Heritage Branch  
83-62 Residence Rental  
83-227 General  
84-200 Fees for Services Provided under the Liquor Control Act  
85-205 Fees for Services Provided under the Off-Road Vehicle Act  
85-208 Fees for Services Provided under the Business Corporations Act  
85-209 Fees for Services Provided under the Limited Partnership Act  
85-210 Fees for Services Provided under the Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act  
86-32 Fees for Veterinary Services  
88-187 Fees for Services Provided by the Agricultural Development Board  
90-61 Fees for Services Provided under the Fish Inspection Act  
95-74 Photo Identification Card Fee  
97-81 Fees for Assessment Services under the Judicature Act  
2001-4 Plant Propagation Centre Fees  
2001-26 Fees in Relation to Highway Advertisements  
2002-1 Fees for the Provision of Environmental Information  
2003-53 Fees for the Firearm Safety and Conservation Education Program  
2006-8 Fees for the Provision of Mapping, Photographic and Other Services  
2012-36 New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program Application Fees  
2012-48 Fees for Statements of Property Tax Accounts and Document Recovery  
2011, c.162 Foreign Judgments Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.163 Fredericton – Moncton Highway Financing Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2011, c.164 Frustrated Contracts Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.165 Gift Cards Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2008-152 General  
2011, c.166 Great Seal Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.167 Guardianship of Children Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.170 An Act to Proclaim Holocaust Memorial Day Yom haShoah in New Brunswick
2011, c.171 Human Rights Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
2011, c.172 Innkeepers Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.173 Inquiries Act Justice and Public Safety
83-167 Procedure  
84-96 Forms  
2011, c.174 Inshore Fisheries Representation Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
91-83 Characteristics of Inshore Boats  
92-135 Representation Vote  
2011, c.175 International Child Abduction Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.176 International Commercial Arbitration Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.177 International Sale of Goods Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.178 International Trusts Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.179 International Wills Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.180 Interprovincial Subpoena Act Justice and Public Safety
91-68 General  
2011, c.181 Judges Disqualification Removal Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.182 Labour and Employment Board Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
2011, c.183 Labour Market Research Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
2011, c.184 Law Reform Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.185 Legislative Library Act Legislative Assembly
2011, c.186 Livestock Incentives Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
88-235 General  
2011, c.187 Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
2005-6 General  
2011, c.188 Marriage Act Service New Brunswick
85-30 General  
2011, c.190 Mental Health Services Act Health
97-127 Mental Health Services Advisory Committee  
2011, c.191 National Parks Act Natural Resources and Energy Development
2011, c.192 New Brunswick Arts Board Act Tourism, Heritage and Culture
2011, c.193 New Brunswick Museum Act Tourism, Heritage and Culture
2011, c.194 New Brunswick Public Libraries Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
2011, c.195 New Brunswick Public Libraries Foundation Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
2011, c.196 Northumberland Strait Crossing Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
2011, c.197 Notaries Public Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.198 An Act Recognizing the Equality of the Two Official Linguistic Communities in New Brunswick Executive Council
2011, c.199 Order of New Brunswick Act Executive Council
2011, c.200 Ownership of Minerals Act Natural Resources and Energy Development
2011, c.201 Pari-Mutuel Tax Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
83-61 General  
2011, c.202 Parks Act Tourism, Heritage and Culture
85-104 General  
2011, c.203 Pesticides Control Act Environment and Local Government
96-126 General  
2011, c.204 Plant Health Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
2011, c.205 Postal Services Interruption Act
2011, c.206 Potato Disease Eradication Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
82-70 General  
2011, c.207 Poultry Health Protection Act Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
82-97 Hatchery Licensing and Hatchery Supply Flock Policy  
84-71 General  
2011, c.208 Premier’s Council on Disabilities Act Executive Council
2011, c.209 Private Investigators and Security Services Act Justice and Public Safety
84-103 General  
2011, c.210 Protection of Persons Acting Under Statute Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.211 Public Landings Act Transportation and Infrastructure
2011, c.213 Public Records Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.214 King’s Printer Act Justice and Public Safety
2005-30 General  
2011, c.215 Real Estate Agents Act Finance and Treasury Board Finance
85-24 General  
2011, c.216 Regional Development Corporation Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
84-67 General  
2011, c.217 Regional Health Authorities Act Health
2002-27 General  
2002-87 Community Health Centres  
2012-7 Board  
2011, c.218 Regulations Act Justice and Public Safety
91-160 General  
2011, c.219 Scalers Act Natural Resources and Energy Development
83-190 General  
2011, c.220 Shortline Railways Act Transportation and Infrastructure
94-158 General  
2011, c.221 Silicosis Compensation Act Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
84-288 Payment Schedule  
2011, c.222 Smoke-free Places Act Health
2004-99 General  
2011, c.223 Sport Development Trust Fund Act Tourism, Heritage and Culture
2011, c.224 Statute Revision Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.225 Storer’s Lien Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.226 Surveys Act Service New Brunswick
84-76 General  
2011, c.227 Survival of Actions Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.228 Telephone Companies Act Transportation and Infrastructure
2011, c.229 Time Definition Act Executive Council
2011, c.230 Topsoil Preservation Act Environment and Local Government
95-66 General  
2011, c.231 Tortfeasors Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.232 Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act Justice and Public Safety
89-67 General  
2011, c.233 Unconscionable Transactions Relief Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.234 Vocational Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons Act Social Development
91-5 General  
2011, c.235 Wage Earners Protection Act Justice and Public Safety
2011, c.236 Warehouse Receipts Act