Acts and Regulations

H-4.05 - Heritage Conservation Act

Full text
Enforcement and recovery of costs
88(1)The owner of property who is ordered to take action under section 83 or 84 shall comply with the order at his or her own expense.
88(2)If an order is not complied with, the Minister or the municipality, as the case may be, may cause the ordered action to be undertaken and may recover the costs of the work from the owner in an action before the court.
88(3)The costs to the Minister or the municipality of causing the ordered action to be undertaken under subsection (2) shall constitute a lien on the property concerned until recovered.
Enforcement and recovery of costs
88(1)The owner of property who is ordered to take action under section 83 or 84 shall comply with the order at his or her own expense.
88(2)If an order is not complied with, the Minister or the municipality, as the case may be, may cause the ordered action to be undertaken and may recover the costs of the work from the owner in an action before the court.
88(3)The costs to the Minister or the municipality of causing the ordered action to be undertaken under subsection (2) shall constitute a lien on the property concerned until recovered.