Acts and Regulations

L-8.5 - Limitation of Actions Act

Full text
Transition – Crown claimants
2021, c.21, s.1
7.2(1)This section applies to claims brought by the Crown before or after the commencement of this section for the recovery of money owing to it that are based on acts or omissions that took place before the commencement of this section.
7.2(2)If the limitation period in subsection 7.1(2) would, if not for this section, expire after the commencement of this section but before July 1, 2022, that limitation period expires on July 1, 2022.
7.2(3)Despite subsection (2), a limitation period for the Crown to bring a claim for the recovery of money owing to it that was not expired immediately before the commencement of this section shall not expire until July 1, 2022, even if the limitation period in subsection 7.1(2) has expired for the claim.
7.2(4)A limitation period that would, if not for subsection (2) or (3), expire between July 1, 2021, and the day the Act that enacted this section received Royal Assent, shall be deemed to have not expired and shall expire on July 1, 2022.
2021, c.21, s.1