Acts and Regulations

91-191 - General

Full text
Code of practice – violence
374.3(1)A code of practice established under section 374.2 shall include the following:
(a) an inventory of the locations at which and circumstances in which
(i) violence may reasonably be expected to occur, and
(ii) the code of practice would be applicable;
(b) a description of the types of violence that may reasonably be expected to occur;
(c) a description of the categories of employees at risk, or of the types of work that place employees at risk of experiencing violence;
(d) the identity of the person responsible for implementing the code of practice; and
(e) a statement that an employee shall report an incident of violence to the employer as soon as the circumstances permit.
374.3(2)A code of practice referred to in subsection (1) shall set out the actions and measures the employer shall take to mitigate the risk of violence, including
(a) the methods and equipment to be used and the procedures to be followed,
(b) the follow-up measures to be used with affected employees,
(c) the means, including alternative means, by which an employee may secure emergency assistance,
(d) the procedure the employer shall follow to investigate and document any incident of violence of which the employer is aware,
(e) the manner in which affected employees shall be informed of the results of an investigation,
(f) the procedure the employer shall follow to implement any corrective measures identified as a result of the investigation, and
(g) the identification of training needs.