Acts and Regulations

84-137 - Debentures

Full text
3(1)Subject to subsection (2), a debenture which contains a mortgage or other charge of land shall be in the appropriate form set out in Schedule A and the heading is part of the form.
3(2)A debenture which does not contain a charge of land registered under the Land Titles Act shall not be registered under that Act.
3(3)Directions printed in italics are not part of a form.
3(4)Words and directions which are underscored are not part of a form and are inserted for guidance.
3(5)Parts of a form that are enclosed in parentheses are optional.
3(6)The forms set out in Schedule A may be modified as required to provide for execution by more than one person.
3(7)Information required to be included in a form set out in Schedule A may be attached as a schedule thereto.
3(1)Subject to subsection (2), a debenture which contains a mortgage or other charge of land shall be in the appropriate form set out in Schedule A and the heading is part of the form.
3(2)A debenture which does not contain a charge of land registered under the Land Titles Act shall not be registered under that Act.
3(3)Directions printed in italics are not part of a form.
3(4)Words and directions which are underscored are not part of a form and are inserted for guidance.
3(5)Parts of a form that are enclosed in parentheses are optional.
3(6)The forms set out in Schedule A may be modified as required to provide for execution by more than one person.
3(7)Information required to be included in a form set out in Schedule A may be attached as a schedule thereto.