Acts and Regulations

F-15.001 - Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Act

Full text
Document at 30 March 2007
Fisheries Development Act
Assented to June 16, 1977
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, enacts as follows:
1In this Act
“Board” means the New Brunswick Fisheries Development Board established under section 4;(Conseil)
“financial assistance” includes(aide financière)
(a) making a direct loan to a person,
(b) guaranteeing the repayment of loan made to a person,
(c) guaranteeing a bond or debenture issued by a person, or
(d) making forgivable loans and grants;
“fish” includes molluscs, crustacea and seaweeds, and any parts or by-products thereof;(poisson)
“fisheries” means the business of catching, harvesting, raising, cultivating and handling of fish directly or indirectly by a fisherman;(activités de pêche)
“fisherman” includes fishermen, groups of fishermen, companies, partnerships, co-operatives and associations of fishermen;(pêcheur)
“Minister” means the Minister of Business New Brunswick and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf.(Ministre)
1988, c.12, s.3; 1991, c.27, s.17; 2000, c.26, s.138
Administration of the Act
2The Minister is charged with the general administration of this Act and may designate persons to act on his behalf.
Financial assistance
3(1)The Minister, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council or in accordance with the regulations, may provide financial assistance to aid and encourage the establishment or development of fisheries in the Province, and such financial assistance shall be in accordance with terms and conditions specified in the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council or as specified by the Minister, where the Minister is authorized in accordance with the regulations to provide the financial assistance.
3(2)The Minister may take such security as he considers appropriate for any financial assistance provided under subsection (1) and has authority to enforce the security in accordance with the terms thereof.
3(3)When any amount becomes legally due and payable by virtue of anything done pursuant to subsection (1) or as a result of a call of a guarantee issued thereunder, such amount is a liability of the Province and is payable out of the Consolidated Fund.
New Brunswick Fisheries Development Board
4(1)There shall be a board called the New Brunswick Fisheries Development Board to be established by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council consisting of not more than eleven members, not more than two of whom may be appointed from within the Civil Service.
4(2)Members of the Board shall be appointed for a term of up to four years and are eligible for re-appointment.
4(3)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall designate from among the members of the Board a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman.
4(4)The Minister on the recommendation of the Board and with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint a person to be the secretary of the Board.
4(5)A majority of the members constitutes a quorum.
4(6)The Board shall meet at least once each month, unless a quorum receives approval from the Minister to cancel the monthly meeting.
4(7)The members of the Board, except those appointed from within the Civil Service, shall be paid a per diem allowance for their attendance at meetings of the Board as is fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council together with reasonable and necessary travelling expenses.
1979, c.27, s.1
Application for financial assistance
5(1)The Minister shall not act under the authority of subsection 3(1) unless an application has been made to the Board, and
(a) the Board has referred the application to the Minister in accordance with subsection (3.1), or
(b) the Board, after duly considering the application, has transmitted its recommendation to the Minister.
Application for financial assistance
5(2)Any person who seeks financial assistance shall make an application for such assistance to the Board in accordance with the regulations.
Application for financial assistance
5(3)The Board shall consider all applications for financial assistance for more than twenty-five thousand dollars made to it and shall transmit to the Minister, within a reasonable time of considering each application, a recommendation setting forth
(a) its approval or disapproval, and
(b) the terms and conditions upon which, if approved, the application should be granted.
5(3.1)The Board shall refer to the Minister all applications for financial assistance for twenty-five thousand dollars or less made to it.
5(3.2)The Board is not required to make a recommendation with respect to an application referred to the Minister under subsection (3.1).
Recommendations of the Board
5(4)The Board may, or at the request of the Minister shall, transmit its recommendations to the Minister on matters arising out of anything done or about to be done under the authority of section 3 and such recommendations may include advice on the deferment of loan payments, the extension of a loan guarantee, a bond guarantee or a debenture guarantee period, the commutation or rescission of a debt due the Minister or the amendment of the terms and conditions of anything done under the authority of section 3.
Recommendations of the Board
5(5)The Board may recommend to the Minister amendments to or alteration of legislation or policy in regard to financial assistance provided for under this Act.
Recommendations of the Board
5(6)The Minister is not bound by a recommendation of the Board made under this section.
1982, c.3, s.30; 1983, c.9, s.2; 2007, c.15, s.1
Notification of Minister’s decision
6(1)Where the recommendations of the Board transmitted to the Minister under section 5 is against the granting of the financial assistance sought in an application and the Minister concurs in that recommendation, then the Minister shall notify the person submitting the application that no action will be taken by the Minister to seek approval therefor under section 3.
6(2)The Minister is not required to give reasons for refusing to act on an application nor to disclose the Board’s recommendations.
7(1)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) prescribing the per diem allowance to be paid to members of the Board;
(b) notwithstanding the definition of “fisheries” prescribing commercial or business activities ancillary to the fishing industry that may or may not be granted financial assistance under subsection 3(1) of this Act;
(c) respecting the manner in which application for loans, guarantees or grants shall be made;
(d) prescribing the terms and conditions on which loans, guarantees or grants may be made;
(e) prescribing the conditions on which a fisherman may sell or transfer assets in respect of which a loan or guaranteed loan has not been fully repaid;
(f) prescribing or limiting the size or type of boats or assets for or in respect of which loans, guarantees or grants may be made;
(g) limiting the amount of loans, guarantees or grants;
(h) respecting records to be kept by fishermen with respect to any financial assistance given;
(i) respecting the inspection of records, books of account and other records that may be inspected by persons authorized by the Minister for the purpose of determining whether any terms and conditions of any loan, grant or guarantee are being complied with;
(j) fixing the rate of interest on loans;
(k) prescribing the terms, conditions or circumstances under which
(i) the time for repayment of financial assistance provided, or
(ii) the terms and conditions of any financial assistance provided
may be extended, deferred, adjusted or compromised.
(l) prescribing for the purposes of this Act the form of any security and the manner of its execution;
(m) prescribing the purposes for which loans, guarantees or grants may be made;
(n) prescribing annual charges and the terms and conditions applicable to annual charges;
(o) authorizing the Minister in certain circumstances to provide financial assistance in accordance with specified terms and conditions that the Minister considers advisable;
(p) prescribing the circumstances whereby the Minister is authorized to provide financial assistance without the authority of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council; and
(q) generally for the better administration and carrying out of the purposes and intent of this Act, whether or not such matter is of the kind enumerated in this section.
7(2)A regulation made under paragraph (1)(n) may be retroactive to February 15, 2003, or to any date after February 15, 2003.
1982, c.3, s.30; 1983, c.9, s.2; 2007, c.15, s.2
Indemnification of Board members
8The Minister may enter into an agreement whereby the Minister agrees to indemnify and save harmless any member of the Board, except persons appointed from the Civil Service, while such persons are acting on matters of the Board if they are not negligent in such actions.
Annual charge
9(1)Any person who receives financial assistance under this Act shall pay to the Minister an annual charge in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed by regulation.
9(2)The annual charges received by the Minister under this section shall be paid into the Consolidated Fund.
2007, c.15, s.3
Assets and liabilities of Fishermen’s Loan Board
10(1)Upon the coming into force of this section all business and assets including
(a) real and personal property,
(b) stock and shares,
(c) mortgages or other securities,
(d) debts due,
(e) things and actions,
and all rights, obligations and incidents appurtenant thereto belonging to, held, owned by or vested in the Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick are vested in the Province to be dealt with by the Minister in the name of the Minister without any further act or deed.
10(2)Upon the coming into force of this section, the rights of a creditor whether secured or unsecured against the Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick and any rights accrued by or accruing to the Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick shall be unimpaired, and by virtue of the coming into force of this section the obligation of the Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick with regard to such right and the rights accrued by or accruing to the Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick shall be assumed by the Province; but nothing contained in this subsection shall be interpreted to give any unsecured creditor any security right or any secured creditor any greater security right than is possessed by such creditor of the date of coming into force of this section.
10(3)Upon the coming into force of this section all debts, liabilities, duties, benefits held by, and obligations of, the Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, guarantees, contracts of indemnity and benefits given are enforceable against the Province to the same extent as if they had been incurred or contracted by the Province.
10(4)No suit, action, appeal, application or other proceeding being carried on, or power, right or remedy being exercised by, the Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick shall be discontinued as a result of the coming into force of this section and section 11; but may be continued in the name of the Province and the Province shall have the same rights and be subject to the same liabilities and shall pay or receive the like costs, as if the suit, action, appeal, application or other proceeding had been commenced or defended in the name of the Province.
10(5)The Province may bring, maintain and exercise in its name any suit, action, appeal, application or other proceeding, or exercise any power, right or remedy that the Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick was, could have been or could have become entitled to bring, maintain or exercise.
10(6)Nothing in this section shall expose or cause the Province to be exposed to or to be liable for any greater liability, cost or expense than would have occurred had this section and section 11 not come into force.
10(7)Registration of the notice provided for in this subsection in a registry office under the Registry Act is sufficient notice to all persons of the matters dealt with in this Act.
Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick
Province of New Brunswick
Section 10 of the Fisheries Development Act, chapter F-15.1, Acts of New Brunswick, 1977, came into force on ________
Section 11 of the Fisheries Development Act, chapter F-15.1, Acts of New Brunswick, 1977, came into force on ________
Sections 10 and 11 of the said Act read as follows:
10 . . (insert section 10)
11 . . . (insert section 11)
10(8)The notice under subsection 10(7) shall be registered under the Registry Act in any registry office by the Registrar thereof upon it being tendered to him for registration and in the office of the Registrar under the Corporation Securities Registration Act.
10(9)For the purpose of any instrument required to be registered or filed under the Bills of Sale Act, Conditional Sales Act, Assignment of Book Debts Act or Corporation Securities Registration Act, it shall be sufficient in order to show the transmission of title in respect of any personal property or interest in personal property included or intended to be included in the Minister by virtue of this Act, if the instrument affecting such property or interest recites this Act.
1979, c.27, s.2; 1988, c.12, s.3; 2000, c.26, s.138
11(1)Subject to the provisions of section 10, the Fishermen’s Loan Act is repealed.
Termination of Fishermen’s Loan Board
11(2)The Fishermen’s Loan Board of New Brunswick and the appointments thereto under the Fishermen’s Loan Act are terminated.
12This Act or any provision thereof comes into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation.
N.B. This Act was proclaimed and came into force March 1, 1978.
N.B. This Act is consolidated to March 30, 2007.