2The following definitions apply in this Regulation.
“abnormal milk” means raw milk that contains antibiotics or other pharmaceutical materials, insecticides, pesticides, radionuclides, toxins, extraneous materials, colostrums or an excessive number of somatic cells.(lait anormal)
“Act” means the Natural Products Act.(Loi)
“automatic milking system” means a system that milks animals without human intervention.(système de traite automatisé)
“bulk milk receiving station” means premises equipped with facilities for the receiving or storing of raw milk in bulk. (centre de réception du lait en vrac)
“bulk milk receiving and wash station” means premises equipped with
(centre de réception du lait en vrac et station de lavage)
facilities for the receiving, transferring or storing of raw milk in bulk, and
a Clean-in-Place (C.I.P.) wash-up system for the cleaning and sanitizing of milk tanks and the cleaning of milk trucks.
“bulk milk tank” means a stationary storage tank used exclusively for holding and cooling raw milk at a dairy plant or a bulk milk receiving station and includes the fixtures attached to the tank and the equipment required for the use of the tank.(reservoir de lait en vrac)
“Commission” means the New Brunswick Farm Products Commission.(Commission)
“dairy animal” means a cow, goat, sheep or other species kept for the purposes of milking.(animal laitier)
“dairy barn” means a building that is used to house dairy animals.(étable laitière)
“dairy farm” means a farm where dairy animals are kept for the purposes of milking and from which a part or all of the raw milk is sold, offered for sale or supplied for human consumption, and includes all the buildings, structures, premises and land occupied or used in connection with the production of raw milk.(ferme laitière)
“dairy milking barn” means a dairy barn in which feeding and holding areas are used in conjunction with a milking system.(étable de traite)
“farm bulk tank” means a stationary storage tank used exclusively for holding and cooling raw milk at a dairy farm and includes the fixtures attached to the tank and the equipment required for the use of the tank. (citerne fixe)
“free stall barn” means a dairy barn with alley-ways and individual stalls where dairy animals are housed and have free access to stalls.(étable à stabulation libre en logettes)
“gauge rod” means a graduated rod made of stainless steel that is used in conjunction with a conversion chart to determine the volume of raw milk in a farm bulk tank and the gauge rod, conversion chart and farm bulk tank bear identical serial numbers.(jauge)
“inhibitor” means any substance, other than a bacterial culture, that inhibits or is intended to inhibit the growth of bacteria and does not occur naturally in raw milk.(inhibiteur)
“laboratory pasteurization count” means the determination of the number of bacteria per millilitre of raw milk able to remain viable after being subjected to laboratory pasteurization.(dénombrement des bactéries après pasteurisation en laboratoire)
“loose housing barn” means a dairy barn that contains no stalls and has a minimum of 3 walls and a roof.(étable à stabulation libre)
“milk house” means a structure that is used exclusively for
storing and cooling raw milk, and
cleaning, sanitizing and storing milking equipment and utensils.
“milk tank” means a stainless steel tank that is designed and used exclusively for transporting raw milk, cream or potable water and is mounted on a trailer that is hauled by a truck tractor.(citerne à lait)
“milk truck” means a truck tractor that hauls a milk tank on a highway, as defined in the Highway Act.(camion servant au transport du lait)
“milking equipment and utensils” means any equipment or utensil used in a milking operation.(matériel de traite et vaisselle laitière)
“milking parlour” means a structure that is used exclusively for milking dairy animals.(salle de traite)
“oxidized flavour” means the distinctive flavouring of raw milk that develops as the result of oxidization of polyunsaturated fatty acids in raw milk.(saveur oxydée)
“raw milk” means milk that has not been heated beyond 40°C or undergone any treatment that has an equivalent effect.(lait cru)
“sale” includes trade or barter.(vente)
“sanitize” means to treat a surface that comes in contact with raw milk with heat or approved chemicals capable of destroying any pathogenic micro-organisms that may be adhering to the surface.(désinfecter)
“standard plate count” means the determination of the number of viable bacteria per millilitre of raw milk.(numération en boîte de Pétri)
“truck tractor” means a truck tractor as defined in the Motor Vehicle Act.(camion-tracteur)