Acts and Regulations

2005-142 - North Shore Forest Products Marketing Board

Full text
Document at 15 October 2009
under the
Natural Products Act
Filed December 8, 2005
Under sections 19 and 28 of the Natural Products Act, the Commission makes the following regulation:
1This Regulation may be cited as the North Shore Forest Products Marketing Board Regulation - Natural Products Act.
2The following definitions apply in this Regulation.
“Act” means the Natural Products Act. (Loi)
“Board” means the North Shore Forest Products Marketing Board. (Office)
“district” means a district referred to in subsection 3(2). (district)
“member” means a member of the Board. (membre)
“Plan” means the Plan as defined in the North Shore Forest Products Marketing Plan Regulation - Natural Products Act. (Plan)
“producer” means a person who markets or produces and markets the regulated product. (producteur)
“owner” means a producer who owns a private woodlot of 10 hectares or more in the regulated area. (propriétaire)
“regulated area” means the regulated area as defined in the North Shore Forest Products Marketing Plan Regulation - Natural Products Act.(zone réglementée)
“regulated product” means the regulated product as defined in the North Shore Forest Products Marketing Plan Regulation - Natural Products Act.(produit réglementé)
Organization of Board
3(1)The Board shall consist of 11 members.
3(2)One member shall be elected to the Board from each of the following districts:
(a) District 1, bounded on the south by the Restigouche-Madawaska / Victoria-Northumberland county line, on the west and north by the New Brunswick/Quebec interprovincial boundary, including the Patapedia River and Restigouche River, and on the east as follows: Beginning at the point where the Restigouche River is intersected by Jardine Brook (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 4); then following a straight line, in a southeasterly direction, crossing Crown land, to intersect the Restigouche-Northumberland county line at the Lower West Branch of Portage Brook (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 38);
(b) District 2, bounded on the west by District 1, on the north by the Restigouche River and on the east and south as follows: Beginning at the point where Restigouche Harbour is intersected by the town limits line of the Town of Dalhousie just east of Grimmer Brook, also in common with the eastern boundary of Lot 78, originally granted to John McNish (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 6); then following and extending said lot boundary, in a southerly and westerly direction, to intersect the northeastern corner of Lot A, 2nd Tract, originally granted to John Hamilton; then following and extending the said lot boundary in a southerly, crossing N.B. Highway 11, then westerly direction, until it is intersected by the eastern corner of Lot M, originally granted to W. Hamilton; then following said lot boundary in a southerly and westerly direction, until it intersects the southeastern corner of Lot L, originally granted to J. Power; then, in a westerly direction, following and extending the southern boundary of said Lot L, in common with the southern boundary of granted lots K, J, I, H, G, F, 13, 12, C, B, and A to intersect the Malcolm Road, also in common with the east sideline of Lot 60, originally granted to Daniel Malcolm, North Shannonvale; then southerly, then westerly following and extending the southern boundary of said Lot 60, also in common with and known as the baseline of lots fronting on Restigouche Harbour and the Restigouche River, and at times in common with the Melanfant Road and the southern community limit lines of the City of Campbellton, the Village of Atholville and the Village of Tide Head (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 5) until it intersects the eastern sideline of Lot C, originally granted to James Ferguson, at Christopher (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 5); then southerly following the boundary of said lot until it intersects the eastern boundary of granted Lot 39 and a Crown land block at Christopher; then following, in a westerly direction, the northern boundary of the Crown land block until it meets N.B. Highway 275, at Christopher; then south along said highway, to intersect a one acre school lot and the eastern boundary of Crown land Block G, Range 2, at Christopher (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 5); then following the Crown land boundary, in common with granted lots B, C, 28 and 27, in a southerly direction until it intersects Christopher Brook on the southern boundary line of Lot 27, originally granted to Levi D. Walker; then in a southerly direction, following Christopher Brook, until it is intersected by Rocky Gulch; then following a straight line in a southerly direction, crossing Crown land, to intersect the Upsalquitch River at North Two Brooks (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 13); then following a straight line in a westerly direction, crossing Crown land, to intersect the eastern boundary line of District 1, at Rocky Brook;
(c) District 3, bounded on the south by the Restigouche-Northumberland county line, on the west by District 1 and District 2, on the north by District 2 and on the east as follows: Beginning at the point where the town limits of the Town of Dalhousie intersect the south shoreline of the Restigouche River, just east of Grimmer Brook (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 6); then following said shoreline in an easterly, then southerly direction, until it is intersected by the southern boundary line of the town limits of the Town of Dalhousie, in common with the northern boundary of the Eel River Indian Reserve No. 3 and the southern boundary line of Lot 5, originally granted to Robert Ferguson, at Eel Bay; then, following the said town limits line in a westerly direction, crossing N.B. Highway 11, until it is intersected by N.B. Highway 275; then southerly, along said Highway 275, until it intersects the Eel River Crossing boundary line along Little Black Brook (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 6); then, following said boundary line in an easterly, northerly and southeasterly direction until it intersects the Dalhousie-Balmoral parish line; then following said line in a southeasterly direction until it intersects the Balmoral boundary line; then following said boundary line in a southerly and westerly direction until it intersects the Saint Maure Road at the northwestern corner of Lot 45, originally granted to Jas. Bishop (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 6); then, following and extending in a south-southwesterly direction, the western boundary line of said Lot 45, to intersect the Balmoral-Colborne parish line just south of Reid Brook (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 6); then following the said parish line in a southerly direction until it intersects the Restigouche-Gloucester county line (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 26);
(d) District 4, bounded on the south by the Restigouche-Gloucester-Northumberland county line, on the west by District 3, on the north by Chaleur Bay and on the east by the Restigouche-Gloucester county line and also including lots 43 and 44, Belledune Lake Settlement, originally granted to Richard Moriarty (43) and Willie Gray (44) (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 8);
(e) District 5, bounded on the southeast by the Beresford-Bathurst parish line (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plans No. 16, 27 and 28), on the northwest by District 4 and on the northeast by Chaleur Bay;
(f) District 6, bounded on the west and south by the Gloucester-Northumberland county line including that part of Lot 2nd Tract, on Portage River, originally granted to Ebenezer Traverse, Oliver Whitney and John Summers (jointly), that lies south of the said county line, on the north by District 5 and Chaleur Bay and on the east as follows: Beginning at the point where the northeast sideline of Lot 16, originally granted to Bruno Poire, meets the south shore of Chaleur Bay at Grande-Anse (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 17); then in a southeasterly direction, following and extending the said line to intersect the northern boundary of Lot 17, originally granted to G. Dumas, Saint Paul Settlement (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 17); then westerly, following and extending said lot boundary, to intersect the east sideline of an unnumbered Crown land lot; then southerly and westerly, following and extending the eastern and southern boundary of said lot, in common with another unnumbered Crown land lot, to intersect the northern boundary of Lot 15, originally granted to J. S. Therrieau and in common with the Saint-Léolin community limits boundary; then following said limits line, in a westerly and southerly direction, crossing N.B. Highway 330, to intersect the southeastern corner of Lot 35, originally granted to Albert W. Theriault and Crown land block 9; then following the Crown land boundary in a westerly direction, crossing N.B. Highway 135, until it meets the southwestern corner of Lot 33 in Crown land block 8, at Black Rock, originally granted to Adrien Godin; then following a straight line in a southwesterly direction, crossing Crown land, to intersect the northeastern corner of Lot 30, originally granted to Estate of Ethan J. Jogoe (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 17); then following the northern boundary of said lot, crossing N.B. Highway 340 at Rocheville Settlement (Canobie South); then following the northern boundary of Lot 29, to its northwestern corner (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 29); then following a straight line in a southwesterly direction, crossing Crown land, to intersect the northeastern corner of Block 2, 3rd Tract, originally granted to John C. Ord at Goodwin Mill (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 28); then westerly, following the boundary of said lot crossing N.B. Highway 134, until it is intersected by the southern boundary of Lot 92 along Goodwin Mill Road, originally granted to Henry Burk; then southwesterly, following the said boundary to the southwestern corner of said Lot 92; then following a straight line in a southwesterly direction, crossing Crown land, to intersect the Canadian National Railway right-of-way at Red Pine Brook, Bruce Siding (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 41); then southerly along said right-of-way, until it intersects the northeastern corner of Lot 50, originally granted to Chas. Boss, at Red Pine; then westerly, following said lot boundary until its southeastern corner intersects the Canadian National Railway right-of-way; then southerly, following said right-of-way, until it intersects the Gloucester-Restigouche county line, just south of Bartibog Station (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 51);
(g) District 7, bounded on the north by the Northumberland county line (District 11); on the east and south by the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Miramichi Bay and on the west as follows: Beginning at the point where the Newcastle-Alnwick parish line, also in common with the Bartibog River, meets the Miramichi River at Bartibog Bridge (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 61); then northerly, following said parish line, until it intersects the Gloucester-Northumberland county line, also known as the southern boundary of District 11 (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 52);
(h) District 8, bounded on the northwest by District 6; on the northeast and east as follows: Beginning at the point where the southwestern corner of Lot 83, originally granted to John Robicheau, intersects the Saint-Léolin community limits and Crown land block 9 (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 17); then, following a straight line, crossing Crown land in a southeasterly direction to intersect the northeastern boundary of Lot 4, originally granted to Romeo Blanchard and the Bertrand community limits line, in common with the Caraquet River and the New Bandon-Paquetville parish line (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 17); then, following said limits and river in a southwesterly direction, until it is intersected by the western boundary of the Bertrand community limits at the northwestern corner of Lot 63, originally granted to Fabien Cormier, Burnsville; then, following said limit lines in southerly and easterly directions, through Millville Settlement and Theriault, including following the Duval Road, until they meet the Maltampec Road (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 18); then south, along the said Maltampec Road, until it is intersected by the northeastern corner of Lot 251, originally granted to Majorique Godin; then following and extending the northern boundary line of said lot, in a westerly direction, to the northwestern corner of Lot 251W; then in a southerly direction, following the western boundary of said Lot 251W, to meet and follow the Paquetville-Caraquet-Inkerman parish line until it intersects the northern boundary of Lot 274, originally granted to Augustine Savoy; then following the boundary of said Lot 274 in a westerly direction, until it intersects the northern boundary of Lot 27W; then following the boundary of said Lot 27W in a westerly direction, until it intersects the northeastern corner of Lot 277, originally granted to J. Mallet and Jas. St. Pierre; then following and extending in a westerly direction, a line in common with lots 276, 278, 257, 258 and 259 until it intersects the side line of Lot 285, originally granted to Michel E. Landry (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 18); then following and extending, in a southerly and westerly direction, the said lot boundary until it intersects the northeastern corner of Lot 101, originally granted to Frank P. Hachey (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 18); then following and extending in a southeasterly direction, along the eastern boundary of said lot, crossing N.B. Highway 350, to meet the Pokemouche River (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 30); then easterly along said river to meet the Inkerman-Pacquetville parish line; and on the south and west as follows: Beginning at the point where the Inkerman-Pacquetville parish line meets the Pokemouche River (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 30); then following the Pacquetville parish line, excluding Lot 63, originally granted to C. LaPlant, St. Rose Settlement, in a southerly and westerly direction, crossing N.B. Highway 135 at Bois-Blanc, until it is intersected by the eastern sideline of Crown land Lot 212, Range 1, Saint-Isidore Settlement; then southerly, following and extending said line, to intersect the southeastern corner of Crown land Lot 212, Range 2, Saint-Isidore Settlement (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 29); then westerly, following and extending the southern boundary of said lot, to intersect the Saint-Isidore-Allardville parish line; then northwesterly, following the Allardville parish line, to intersect the North Big Tracadie River along the northern baseline of the Allardville East Settlement lots; then northwesterly along said river, excluding the eastern quarter of Lot G, originally granted to Sir Jas. H. Dunn, until it intersects the southeastern boundary line of District 6 (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 29);
(i) District 9, bounded on the north by Chaleur Bay, on the west by District 8 (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plans No. 17 and 18) and on the south and east as follows: Beginning at the point where the Pokemouche River is intersected by the Pacquetville-Inkerman parish line (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 30); then following said river, in an easterly direction, until the south shore of said river is intersected by the northwestern corner of Lot 33 of the Pokemouche Indian Reserve No. 13; then southerly and easterly following and extending the boundary line of said reserve, until it intersects the western sideline of Lot 90, originally granted to Ernest Glidden; then northerly, following and extending the boundary of said Lot 90 until it intersects a small unnamed tributary of Cowans Creek; then easterly, following said tributary and creek, until it meets the bridge on the Cowans Creek Road; then easterly along said road until it intersects N.B. Highway 11 along the southern boundary of Lot 1, originally granted to the Widow and Heirs of Edward Duke, at South River; then crossing said highway and following the said southern boundary line to the South Branch Pokemouche River (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 30); then northerly, following said branch to the Pokemouche River (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 18) and continuing in an easterly direction into Inkerman Lake to meet a Crown land lot located on the north shoreline of said lake and situated between lots 11 and 10, originally granted to Martin Powers (11) and Jas. Powers (10) (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 18); then, northerly along said Crown lot, to N.B. Highway 345; then, east on said highway to the Fafard Road; then following and extending a parallel straight line from said road, through Crown land peat moss lease # 6, to intersect the southern boundary of Lot 63, originally granted to X. A. Lanteigne; then following said Crown boundary in an easterly direction until it intersects the southwestern corner of Lot 36, originally granted to Isaac Albert; then easterly, following the southern boundary of said lot to the Bay of Saint-Simon-South, to intersect the Caraquet-Shippegan parish line (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 19); then northerly, following the said parish line, to Chaleur Bay;
(j) District 10, bounded on the north by District 8 and District 9 (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 30), on the east by the Gulf of St. Lawrence, on the south by District 7 and on the west by District 8 and as follows: Beginning at the point where Becks Brook intersects the Gloucester county line (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 42); then northerly in a straight line, crossing Crown land, to intersect the Allardville-Saint-Isidore parish line at the northwestern corner of Lot 225, originally granted to Edger Morais, on N.B. Highway 160 at Bois-Gagnon/Saint-Isidore Settlement Range 6 (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 29); then northerly, along said parish line, to the southeastern corner of Lot 217, Range 4, Saint-Isidore Settlement, originally granted to Jean Noel; then easterly, following and extending the southern boundary of said lot until it is intersected by the eastern sideline of Lot 212, originally granted to Alph Duguay; then northerly, following and extending said sideline until it intersects the southern boundary of District 8, at the northeastern corner of Crown land Lot 212, Range 3, Saint-Isidore Settlement; and
(k) District 11, bounded on the north by District 6 and District 8, on the east by District 10, on the south by District 7 and on the west by District 6.
Term of office and qualifications of members
4(1)The term of office for a member is 3 years and commences at the meeting of the Board that follows the annual meeting of delegates.
4(2)A person shall not hold office as a member unless that person
(a) is an owner in the district which he or she is to represent, or
(b) resides in the district which he or she is to represent and is an owner in another district.
Annual district meeting of owners
5(1)The Board shall call an annual district meeting of owners in each district of the regulated area.
5(2)The annual district meeting of owners shall be held within 12 weeks prior to the annual meeting of delegates, at a date fixed by the Board.
5(3)Notice of the annual district meeting of owners indicating the date, time and place fixed for the meeting shall
(a) be published at least once every week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the Province and having general circulation in the regulated area, or
(b) be broadcast at least 3 times every week for 2 consecutive weeks by means of radio or television having general transmission in the regulated area.
5(4)The owners shall elect one member, if the term of office of the member for the district is expiring, and 4 delegates at the annual district meeting of owners.
5(5)A person shall not hold office as a delegate unless that person
(a) is an owner in the district which he or she is to represent, or
(b) resides in the district which he or she is to represent and is an owner in another district.
5(6)A person who is a owner in more than one district may vote in only one district each year and, if not intending to vote in the district where he or she resides shall, before the annual district meeting of owners, inform the Board of the district in which he or she intends to vote.
Annual meeting of delegates
6(1)The Board shall call an annual meeting of delegates.
6(2)The annual meeting of delegates shall be held each year in the month of April, May or June, at a date fixed by the Board.
6(3)Notice of the annual meeting of delegates indicating the date, time and place fixed for the meeting shall
(a) be sent to every delegate at the last known address of the delegate on file with the Board,
(b) be published at least once every week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the Province and having general circulation in the regulated area, or
(c) be broadcast at least 3 times every week for 2 consecutive weeks by means of radio or television having general transmission in the regulated area.
6(4)A report of activities and the financial statements of the Board shall be presented at the annual meeting of delegates.
6(5)Repealed: 2009-109
6(6)Any owner may attend the annual meeting of delegates but only delegates may vote at the meeting.
6(7)Members are delegates for the purposes of the annual meeting of delegates.
6(8)The chair of the Board or, in his or her absence, the vice-chair of the Board, shall preside at the annual meeting of delegates, but in the event of the absent of both, a member elected by a majority of the delegates present shall preside at the meeting.
6(9)All matters of decision at the annual meeting of delegates shall be decided by majority vote of delegates present and in the event of a tie, the chair of the meeting shall cast the deciding vote.
Powers of Board
7The following powers are vested in the Board:
(a) to exempt from any order of the Board any person or class of persons engaged in the marketing or the production and marketing of the regulated product or any class, variety or grade of the regulated product;
(b) to conduct a pool or pools for the distribution of money received from the sale of the regulated product, and, after deducting all expenses, to distribute the remainder of the money so that the payment to each person entitled to share is based on the amount, class, variety and grade of the regulated product delivered by him or her, and to make an initial payment on delivery of the regulated product and subsequent payments until the remainder of the money received from the sale is distributed; and
(c) to appoint officers and employees, assign their duties and fix their remuneration.
Government of Board
8The government of the Board shall be conducted according to the by-laws set out in Schedule A.
Advisory committees
9The Board may establish advisory committees to advise and make recommendations to the Board in respect of any matter respecting which the Board is empowered to make orders under the Act, the regulations or the Plan.
10The Board may make by-laws that are not inconsistent with the Act, the regulations or the Plan.
Transitional provision
11The chairman and vice-chairman of the North Shore Forest Products Marketing Board immediately before the commencement of this Regulation shall continue as the chair and vice-chair of the North Shore Forest Products Marketing Board as if they had been appointed or elected, as the case may be, under the by-laws of the Board, until they are reappointed, re-elected or replaced, as the case may be, under the by-laws.
12This Regulation comes into force on December 9, 2005.
Head office
1The head office of the Board shall be at a place within the regulated area as may be determined by the Board from time to time.
Election of officers
1.1Members shall, at the meeting of the Board following the annual meeting of delegates, elect from among themselves the officers of the Board.
Voting and quorum
2(1)Voting on decisions of the Board shall be made by show of hands unless a poll or ballot is demanded, except in the case of urgency where voting on decisions may be made by telephone conference call whereby all persons participating can hear one another.
2(2)In the event of an equality of votes, the chair of the Board, in addition to his or her original vote, shall cast the deciding vote.
2(3)For all meetings of the Board, including telephone conferences, a quorum of the Board shall be 7 members.
Resignation of a member
3(1)A member may resign from office by filing his or her resignation in writing with the secretary of the Board.
3(2)If a member resigns, the Board may nominate a person who meets the requirements set out in subsection 4(2) of this Regulation to fill the vacancy.
Reprimand and suspension
4The Board may, for cause, suspend a member from office for a period not exceeding 6 months, or reprimand a member.
Absence at meetings
5(1)The Board may remove any member from office for failure to attend 3 consecutive Board meetings without reasonable excuse.
5(2)If a member is removed from office under this section, the Board shall nominate a person who meets the requirements set out in subsection 4(2) of this Regulation to fill the vacancy.
5(3)The term of office of a person nominated under subsection (2) shall end at the next annual district meeting of owners.
Removal from office
6(1)The Board may recommend that a member be removed from office for cause or for any incapacity.
6(2)If the Board recommends that a member is removed from office under this section, the Board shall call a special district meeting of owners.
6(3)The special district meeting of owners shall be held within 30 days following the date of the recommendation, at a date fixed by the Board.
6(4)Notice of the special district meeting of owners indicating the date, time and place fixed for the special meeting shall
(a) be published at least once every week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the Province and having general circulation in the regulated area, or
(b) be broadcast area at least 3 times every week for 2 consecutive weeks by means of radio or television having general transmission in the regulated.
6(5)The Board shall, at least 15 days prior to the special district meeting of owners, serve the member who is the subject of the Board’s recommendation a written notice indicating the date, time and place fixed for meeting with a detailed statement of the reasons for the recommendation made by the Board.
6(6)A member may be removed from office at the special district meeting of owners by majority vote of the owners present at the meeting.
6(7)If a member is removed from office under this section, the owners shall, at the special district meeting of owners, elect a person who meets the requirements set out in subsection 4(2) of this Regulation to fill the vacancy.
6(8)The term of office of a person elected under subsection (7) shall end at the next annual district meeting of owners.
6(9)If a member is removed from office under this section, the Board shall, within 14 days following the date of the special district meeting of owners, serve the member with a written notice of the decision made at the meeting and a copy of the minutes of the meeting, certified by the secretary of the meeting.
6(10)Service of the notice under subsection (5) or (9) shall be made
(a) in person, to the recipient or to an adult living at the address of the recipient, or
(b) by mailing the notice by prepaid registered mail or prepaid courier to the last known address of the member on file with the Board, in which case service is deemed to have taken place 5 days after the notice is mailed.
Banking, bonding and borrowing
7(1)Subject to section 26 of the Act, the Board shall have the power to borrow money upon the credit of the Board and to hypothecate, mortgage or pledge all or any of the real or personal property of the Board, including book debts, to secure any money borrowed or other liability of the Board.
7(2)Any banking business of the Board shall be transacted with a bank, trust company or other firm or corporation carrying on a banking business as the Board may designate, appoint or authorize from time to time by resolution, and any such banking business shall be transacted on the Board’s behalf by the treasurer or such other person as may be designated by the Board from time to time by resolution.
8(1)The Board shall keep proper books of account which shall be audited for each business year by an auditor, appointed by the delegates at the annual meeting of delegates, and approved by the Commission
8(2)A report of the audit, accompanied by a report of the operations of the Board, shall be presented to delegates at the annual meeting of delegates and a copy, signed by 2 members, one of whom is the chair of the Board, and forwarded without delay to the Commission.
8(3)Financial audits shall be conducted in conformity with the policy and requirements of the Commission concerning financial audits of boards.
Signature on certain documents
9(1)All cheques, drafts, orders for the payment of money and promissory notes, acceptances and bills of exchange shall be signed by 2 employees designated by the Board or by 2 people from among an employee designated by the Board and the chair, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer of the Board.
9(2)Contracts, documents or written instruments, with the exception of commercial documents prepared in the normal course of business, that require the signature of the Board shall be signed by 2 members from among the chair, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer of the Board.
Indemnity and expenses
10Members may be paid a reasonable daily allowance, together with necessary travel expenses, when attending meetings or discharging other duties assigned by the Board.
11(1)Minutes of all meetings, including telephone conferences, shall be recorded and confirmed at the following meeting of the Board.
11(2)The Board shall forward to the secretary of the Commission a copy of all orders and decisions of the Board and a copy of the minutes of all meetings of the Board.
N.B. This Regulation is consolidated to October 15, 2009.