District 2, bounded on the west by District 1, on the north by the Restigouche River and on the east and south as follows: Beginning at the point where Restigouche Harbour is intersected by the town limits line of the Town of Dalhousie just east of Grimmer Brook, also in common with the eastern boundary of Lot 78, originally granted to John McNish (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 6); then following and extending said lot boundary, in a southerly and westerly direction, to intersect the northeastern corner of Lot A, 2
nd Tract, originally granted to John Hamilton; then following and extending the said lot boundary in a southerly, crossing N.B. Highway 11, then westerly direction, until it is intersected by the eastern corner of Lot M, originally granted to W. Hamilton; then following said lot boundary in a southerly and westerly direction, until it intersects the southeastern corner of Lot L, originally granted to J. Power; then, in a westerly direction, following and extending the southern boundary of said Lot L, in common with the southern boundary of granted lots K, J, I, H, G, F, 13, 12, C, B, and A to intersect the Malcolm Road, also in common with the east sideline of Lot 60, originally granted to Daniel Malcolm, North Shannonvale; then southerly, then westerly following and extending the southern boundary of said Lot 60, also in common with and known as the baseline of lots fronting on Restigouche Harbour and the Restigouche River, and at times in common with the Melanfant Road and the southern community limit lines of the City of Campbellton, the Village of Atholville and the Village of Tide Head (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 5) until it intersects the eastern sideline of Lot C, originally granted to James Ferguson, at Christopher (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 5); then southerly following the boundary of said lot until it intersects the eastern boundary of granted Lot 39 and a Crown land block at Christopher; then following, in a westerly direction, the northern boundary of the Crown land block until it meets N.B. Highway 275, at Christopher; then south along said highway, to intersect a one acre school lot and the eastern boundary of Crown land Block G, Range 2, at Christopher (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 5); then following the Crown land boundary, in common with granted lots B, C, 28 and 27, in a southerly direction until it intersects Christopher Brook on the southern boundary line of Lot 27, originally granted to Levi D. Walker; then in a southerly direction, following Christopher Brook, until it is intersected by Rocky Gulch; then following a straight line in a southerly direction, crossing Crown land, to intersect the Upsalquitch River at North Two Brooks (New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 13); then following a straight line in a westerly direction, crossing Crown land, to intersect the eastern boundary line of District 1, at Rocky Brook;