Lois et règlements

84-67 - General

Texte intégral
under the
Regional Development Corporation Act
(O.C. 84-264)
Filed April 10, 1984
Under section 10 of the Community Improvement Corporation Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Regulation:
1This Regulation may be cited as the General Regulation - Community Improvement Corporation Act.
2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Community Improvement Act;
“Corporation” means the Community Improvement Corporation.
3Before recommending a regulation to be approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council pursuant to paragraph 5(a) of the Act, the Corporation shall
(a) publish a notice of its intention to recommend such regulation in a newspaper published or having general circulation in the area affected by the proposed regulation at least once in each of three successive weeks and setting forth
(i) a description of the area affected sufficient for identification,
(ii) the place where and times when the proposed regulation may be inspected by any interested person, and
(iii) the method by which interested persons may place before the Corporation their objections to the proposed regulation, and
(b) inform the council of any municipality or rural community that is wholly or partly within the area affected by the proposed regulation of its intention to recommend that regulation to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council for approval.
4(1)No person shall construct, locate or structurally alter any building or other structure within the area referred to in section 3 during the period of ninety days commencing on the date of first publication of the notice referred to in section 3 except with the written approval of the Corporation.
4(2)No person shall change the purpose for which any land, building or structure of any kind is being used in the area referred to in section 3 during the period of ninety days commencing on the date of first publication of the notice referred to in section 3 except with the written approval of the Corporation.
5Regulation 65-47 under the Community Improvement Corporation Act is repealed.
N.B. This Regulation is consolidated to July 15, 2005.