Lois et règlements

P-14 - Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act

Texte intégral
Abrogée le 1er mars 2013
Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act
Repealed: R.S.N.B. 2012, Schedule A
1In this Act
“bank” means a bank listed in Schedule I or II of the Bank Act (Canada);(banque)
“Board” means the Board for Registration of Embalmers, Funeral Directors and Funeral Providers appointed under the Embalmers, Funeral Directors and Funeral Providers Act;”(Commission)
“Compensation Fund” means the Pre-arranged Funeral Services Compensation Fund established under this Act; (Fonds d’indemnisation)
“credit union” means a credit union incorporated under the Credit Unions Act or any former Credit Unions Act of the Province;(caisse populaire)
“financial institution” means a bank, credit union or trust company;(institution financière)
“former licensee” means (ancien titulaire d’un permis)
(a) a person who was a licensed funeral provider but who no longer holds a funeral provider’s licence, or
(b) a person who held a licence under this Act before the commencement of this paragraph, but who does not hold a funeral provider’s licence;
“funeral provider’s licence” means a funeral provider’s licence issued under section 3 that has not lapsed or been surrendered, suspended or cancelled;(permis de fournisseur de services funèbres)
“funeral services” means any services and commodities usual in the preparation for burial or cremation of the dead and the burial or cremation of the dead other than the supplying of lots, burial vaults, grave markers, vases and services rendered or to be rendered at the cemetery;(services de pompes funèbres)
“legal representative” means a person who stands in place of and represents another person including, but not limited to, a trustee, an executor, an administrator, an agent, a committee or an attorney;(représentant légal)
“licensed funeral provider” means a person who is the holder of a funeral provider’s licence;(fournisseur de services funèbres autorisé)
“licensed manager” means a person who is the holder of a manager’s licence;(gérant autorisé)
“licensee” Repealed: 2006, c.20, s.1
“manager’s licence” means a manager’s licence issued under section 3.01 that has not lapsed or been surrendered or suspended or cancelled;(permis de gérant)
“Minister” means the Minister of Justice and includes any person designated by the Minister under section 1.1 to act on the Minister’s behalf;(Ministre)
“pre-arranged funeral plan” means an agreement whereby in consideration of payment therefor in advance, by a lump sum or instalments, a person contracts to provide funeral services for a person alive at the time the agreement is entered into, but does not include an agreement whereby a person contracts to provide such funeral services in consideration of payment of the proceeds of an insurance policy payable upon the death of the person for whom the funeral services are to be provided;(arrangement préalable d’obsèques)
“purchaser” means(acheteur)
(a) a person who enters into a pre-arranged funeral plan with a licensed funeral provider under this Act, or
(b) a person who, before the commencement of this paragraph, entered into a pre-arranged funeral plan with a person who held a licence under this Act;
“trust company” means a trust company authorized to do business in New Brunswick;(compagnie de fiducie)
“working day” means any day except a Saturday or a Sunday or other holiday.(jour ouvrable)
1960-61, c.15, s.1; O.C.64-312; 1978, c.D-11.2, s.31; 1986, c.66, s.1; 1994, c.26, s.1; 2004, c.51, s.93; 2006, c.16, s.138; 2006, c.20, s.1; 2008, c.13, s.1; 2008, c.13, s.2; 2012, c.39, s.114
1.1The Minister is responsible for the administration of this Act and may designate persons to act on his behalf.
1986, c.66, s.2
Licensed funeral provider
2No person other than a licensed funeral provider shall
(a) undertake to provide or make provision for the funeral services of another person under a pre-arranged funeral plan, or
(b) solicit another person to enter into a pre-arranged funeral plan.
1960-61, c.15, s.2; 2006, c.20, s.2
Soliciting persons to enter into pre-arranged funeral plans
2.1Notwithstanding section 2, a person who is not a licensed funeral provider may solicit persons to enter into a pre-arranged funeral plan with a licensed funeral provider.
1986, c.66, s.3; 2006, c.20, s.3
Funeral provider’s licence
3(1)A person who wishes to give funeral services for remuneration, reward or compensation under pre-arranged funeral plans may apply to the Minister for a funeral provider’s licence in accordance with the regulations.
3(2)Where the Minister is satisfied that an applicant for a funeral provider’s licence is a reputable person and that the necessary agreements have been made with a financial institution, as required by this Act, for the deposit of and the reporting with respect to any money to be received under the pre-arranged funeral plans proposed to be entered into by the applicant, the Minister may, subject to subsections (2.1) and (2.2), issue a funeral provider’s licence to the applicant.
3(2.1)The Minister shall not issue a funeral provider’s licence under subsection (2) unless the applicant is licensed as a Funeral Provider under the Embalmers, Funeral Directors and Funeral Providers Act.
3(2.2)The Minister shall not issue a funeral provider’s licence under subsection (2) if the applicant is in arrears in respect of payment of levies to the Board for deposit to the credit of the Compensation Fund.
3(3)A funeral provider’s licence may be made subject to such terms and conditions as may be established by or in accordance with the regulations and remains valid for the period of time prescribed by regulation.
3(4)Repealed: 2006, c.20, s.4
1960-61, c.15, s.3; 1986, c.66, s.4; 1994, c.26, s.2; 1995, c.30, s.1; 2004, c.51, s.93; 2006, c.20, s.4
Manager’s licence
3.01(1)Subject to subsection (7), a licensed funeral provider shall, for each location at which the licensed funeral provider carries on business in the Province, employ or contract with a licensed manager to act on behalf of the licensed funeral provider at the location.
3.01(2)A person may apply to the Minister for a manager’s licence in accordance with the regulations.
3.01(3)Where the Minister is satisfied that an applicant for a funeral provider’s licence is a reputable person, the Minister may, subject to subsection (4), issue a manager’s licence to the applicant.
3.01(4)The Minister shall not issue a manager’s licence under subsection (3) unless the applicant is licensed as a Funeral Director under the Embalmers, Funeral Directors and Funeral Providers Act.
3.01(5)A manager’s licence may be made subject to such terms and conditions as may be established by or in accordance with the regulations and remains valid for the period of time prescribed by regulation.
3.01(6)For the location at which a licensed manager acts on behalf of a licensed funeral provider under subsection (1), the licensed manager
(a) shall represent the licensed funeral provider in all matters relating to its licensed activities under this Act,
(b) shall be responsible for the operation of the business of providing funeral services under pre-arranged funeral plans,
(c) shall ensure that the licensed funeral provider maintains books, records, accounts and documents in accordance with this Act and the regulations, and
(d) shall ensure that a person licensed as a Funeral Director under the Embalmers, Funeral Directors and Funeral Providers Act and provided with the authority to do so by the licensed funeral provider, enters into pre-arranged funeral plans on behalf of the licensed funeral provider.
3.01(7)A licensed funeral provider who is an individual may be the licensed manager for one location at which the licensed funeral provider carries on business in the Province.
2006, c.20, s.5
Funeral provider’s licence and manager’s licence not transferable
3.02A funeral provider’s licence or a manager’s licence issued under this Act is not transferable.
2006, c.20, s.5
Standard Pre-arranged Funeral Plan
3.03(1)In this section
“licensed funeral director” means a person licensed as a Funeral Director under the Embalmers, Funeral Directors and Funeral Providers Act.
3.03(2)Subject to subsection (3), a licensed funeral provider, with respect to every pre-arranged funeral plan entered into after the commencement of this section, shall ensure that both the purchaser and a licensed funeral director who has been provided by the licensed funeral provider with the authority to enter into pre-arranged funeral plans on behalf of the licensed funeral provider sign a Standard Form of Pre-arranged Funeral Plan prescribed by regulation.
3.03(3)A purchaser and a licensed funeral director who enters into a pre-arranged funeral plan or an agreement amending a pre-arranged funeral plan on behalf of a licensed funeral provider may agree to any addition to the Standard Form of Pre-arranged Funeral Plan that does not alter any right or duty as stated in this Act, the regulations or the Standard Form of Pre-arranged Funeral Plan.
3.03(4)Notwithstanding anything in this section, a pre-arranged funeral plan entered into by a purchaser and a licensed funeral provider is not invalid by reason only that it is not in the form of a Standard Form of Pre-arranged Funeral Plan.
2006, c.20, s.5
Minister’s signature
3.1The signature of the Minister on a funeral provider’s licence or manager’s licensed issued under this Act may be printed, stamped or otherwise mechanically reproduced on the licence.
1988, c.34, s.1; 2006, c.20, s.6
Moneys held under pre-arranged funeral plan
4(1)Subject to subsection (1.1), a licensed funeral provider holds in trust any money paid under a pre-arranged funeral plan held by the licensed funeral provider, including any money that may be payable as penalty under subsection (4), for the purposes for which it has been paid until
(a) the licensed funeral provider becomes entitled to the money as a result of having provided, in accordance with the plan, the funeral services or any portion of the funeral services that have been contracted for under the plan, or
(b) in the case of the termination, cancellation or discontinuance of the plan, the money, less any penalty payable under subsection (4), is refunded to the purchaser or paid to the purchaser’s legal representative.
4(1.1)Subject to subsection 12(4), subsection (1) applies with respect to a pre-arranged funeral plan entered into before the commencement of this subsection, except that the licensed funeral provider shall retain in trust, unless the plan is terminated, cancelled or discontinued, at least ten per cent of the total amount paid under the plan until all the funeral services contracted for under the plan have been provided.
4(2)Repealed: 1986, c.66, s.5
4(3)Where, at the request of the purchaser or of the purchaser’s legal representative, a pre-arranged funeral plan is terminated, cancelled or discontinued within the period of time prescribed by regulation, no penalty or charge is payable, notwithstanding any provision in a contract or agreement to the contrary, with respect to the termination, cancellation or discontinuance.
4(4)Where, at the request of the purchaser or of the purchaser’s legal representative, a pre-arranged funeral plan is terminated, cancelled or discontinued after the period of time referred to in subsection (3), the person making the request shall, if the plan so provides, pay to the licensed funeral provider a penalty, not exceeding the amount prescribed by regulation.
4(5)Where a penalty is payable under subsection (4), the amount of the penalty may be deducted by the licensed funeral provider from the money held in trust with respect to the plan that is being terminated, cancelled or discontinued.
4(6)Except as provided in subsection (4), no charge or penalty is payable upon the termination, cancellation or discontinuance of a pre-arranged funeral plan and an agreement to pay any charge or penalty other than the penalty referred to in subsection (4) is void.
4(7)The provisions of this section with respect to penalties apply only with respect to pre-arranged funeral plans entered into after the commencement of the provisions.
4(8)Any money retained by a person in accordance with subsection 4(2) before the commencement of this subsection shall be dealt with by the person in accordance with the provisions of this Act as they existed at the time the pre-arranged funeral plan authorizing the retention was entered into.
1960-61, c.15, s.4; 1986, c.66, s.5; 1994, c.26, s.3; 2006, c.20, s.7; 2008, c.11, s.24
Content requirements of pre-arranged funeral plan
4.1Every pre-arranged funeral plan entered into after the commencement of this section shall contain in accordance with the regulations
(a) a notice to the purchaser or the purchaser’s legal representative of the right to terminate, cancel or discontinue the plan, and
(b) the licensed funeral provider’s address to which correspondence may be sent.
1986, c.66, s.6; 2006, c.20, s.8
Deposit of money with financial institution
5Money held in trust by a licensed funeral provider under a pre-arranged funeral plan shall, within a period of time prescribed by regulation, be paid by the licensed funeral provider to a financial institution to be deposited in trust in an account with the financial institution by agreement with the licensed funeral provider.
1960-61, c.15, s.5; 1986, c.66, s.7; 1994, c.26, s.4; 1995, c.30, s.2; 2006, c.20, s.9; 2008, c.11, s.24
Proof of deposit
5.01Within fifteen working days after having paid money to a financial institution under section 5 for deposit in trust in an account with the financial institution, a licensed funeral provider shall obtain from the financial institution proof that the deposit was made and provide a copy of the proof of deposit to the purchaser.
2006, c.20, s.10
Deposit to be insured
5.1A licensed funeral provider who holds money in trust under a pre-arranged funeral plan shall ensure that the money for each plan is deposited with a financial institution in such a manner so as to ensure that the deposit is insured under the Canada Deposit Insurance Act (Canada) or the Credit Unions Act and designated as a trust account both in the books of the licensed funeral provider and in the records of the institution.
1995, c.30, s.3; 2006, c.20, s.11
Duty of licensed funeral provider
6(1)Subject to subsection (1.01), a licensed funeral provider shall not withdraw any money paid to a financial institution under section 5 unless
(a) the funeral provider is entitled to the money as a result of having provided, in accordance with the pre-arranged funeral plan, the funeral services or any portion of the funeral services that have been contracted for under the plan, or
(b) the money, less any penalty payable under subsection 4(4), is withdrawn to refund it to the purchaser or pay it to the purchaser’s legal representative following the termination, cancellation or discontinuance of the plan.
6(1.01)Subject to subsection 12(4), subsection (1) applies with respect to a pre-arranged funeral plan entered into before the commencement of this subsection, except that the licensed funeral provider shall retain in trust, unless the plan is terminated, cancelled or discontinued, at least ten per cent of the total amount paid under the plan until all the funeral services contracted for under the plan have been provided.
6(1.1)Where following termination, cancellation or discontinuance of a pre-arranged funeral plan a licensed funeral provider is not available to withdraw or refuses to withdraw money which the licensed funeral provider is required to refund to the purchaser or to pay to the purchaser’s legal representative, the financial institution may, upon the written direction of the Minister, pay the money out to the purchaser or the purchaser’s legal representative from the account maintained for the licensed funeral provider.
6(1.2)Where money is held in trust under a pre-arranged funeral plan by a person whose funeral provider’s licence is suspended or cancelled, the Minister may order a financial institution to whom money was paid under section 5 by the licensed funeral provider to refrain from paying out all or any part of the money for the period of the suspension or cancellation, and the financial institution shall comply with the order.
6(2)Repealed: 1986, c.66, s.8
6(3)Every pre-arranged funeral plan shall contain a statement that the money paid under the plan may be withdrawn or paid out in the manner specified under subsection (1) or (1.1) without payment of a penalty or charge other than as permitted by subsection 4(4).
6(4)Subject to any agreement between a licensed funeral provider and a purchaser to provide for the payment of the interest or any part of it to the purchaser, all interest earned on money paid under a pre-arranged funeral plan shall be held in trust by the licensed funeral provider and shall be deposited, invested, withdrawn, paid out or otherwise dealt with in the same manner and upon the same conditions as is money paid under a pre-arranged funeral plan.
6(5)Subsections (3) and (4) apply only with respect to pre-arranged funeral plans entered into after the commencement of those subsections.
1960-61, c.15, s.6; 1986, c.66, s.8; 1994, c.26, s.5; 1995, c.30, s.4; 2006, c.20, s.12
Compensation Fund
6.1(1)There is established a fund to be known as the Pre-arranged Funeral Services Compensation Fund for the purpose of compensating purchasers of a pre-arranged funeral plan for those losses prescribed by regulation and for other purposes prescribed by regulation, subject to the limitations set by this Act or the regulations.
6.1(2)The Board shall administer the Compensation Fund subject to and in accordance with the regulations.
6.1(3)The Board is not an insurer for the purposes of the Insurance Act.
1994, c.26, s.6; 1995, c.30, s.5
Compensation Fund
6.2(1)A licensed funeral provider who holds in trust money paid under a pre-arranged funeral plan shall pay to the Board, in accordance with this Act and the regulations and in respect of each plan, a levy in an amount and within the time prescribed by regulation for deposit to the credit of the Compensation Fund.
6.2(2)Repealed: 2006, c.20, s.13
6.2(3)Subject to subsections (4) and (5), a levy withdrawn by a person under subsection (2), as it existed immediately before the commencement of this subsection, shall be deemed to have been paid out of the proceeds of the pre-arranged funeral plan to which the person is entitled upon performance of the funeral services contracted for under the plan.
6.2(4)Where a pre-arranged funeral plan is terminated, cancelled or discontinued, a levy withdrawn by a person under subsection (2), as it existed immediately before the commencement of this subsection, shall be deemed to have been paid out of the penalty payable under the plan, if one is provided for, or out of money the person is authorized to retain in accordance with subsection 4(8), and the person shall credit the amount of the levy withdrawn as payment towards any penalty payable under the plan or as payment towards any money the person is authorized to retain under subsection 4(8).
6.2(5)Where a pre-arranged funeral plan is terminated, cancelled or discontinued and no penalty is provided for in the plan or the penalty is less than the amount of the levy withdrawn or the amount authorized to be retained under subsection 4(8), the person who withdrew the money under subsection (2), as it existed immediately before the commencement of this subsection, shall reimburse
(a) the full amount of the levy, where no penalty has been provided for or no amount is authorized to be retained under subsection 4(8), or
(b) the difference between the amount of the levy and the penalty or the amount authorized to be retained under subsection 4(8), where the levy is greater than the penalty or the amount authorized to be retained under subsection 4(8).
6.2(6)Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any provision in a pre-arranged funeral plan, no action lies against a person with respect to a withdrawal and payment of a levy under this section or in respect of any loss of interest that may have resulted because of such withdrawal and payment.
6.2(7)Repealed: 2006, c.20, s.13
1994, c.26, s.6; 2006, c.20, s.13
Report of licensed funeral provider
7(1)Every licensed funeral provider shall, at such times as may be established by or in accordance with the regulations, report to the Minister or the Board concerning any pre-arranged funeral plans undertaken by the licensed funeral provider and shall give to the Minister or the Board the information in respect of such plans that is required by or in accordance with the regulations.
Annual statement of financial institution
7(2)Every financial institution shall prepare as of the thirty-first day of December in each year, and at such other times as the Minister may require, a statement showing:
(a) the number of accounts maintained for licensed funeral providers by the financial institution pursuant to this Act;
(b) the amount standing at that date to the credit of each account and the name of the licensed funeral provider for whom the account is maintained;
(c) in respect of each account the persons who are paying money under a pre-arranged funeral plan with the licensed funeral provider for whom the account is maintained, and the amount paid and to be paid thereunder on behalf of each person;
(d) the sums charged by the financial institution as a service charge for maintaining the account and how those sums are derived; and
(e) such other matters as may be required by the regulations.
Annual statement of financial institution
7(3)The statement required under subsection (2) as of the thirty-first day of December shall be sent by ordinary mail to the Minister before the thirty-first day of January in the year immediately following the year to which the statement relates, and any other statement required under subsection (2) shall be sent by ordinary mail to the Minister before a date fixed by the Minister.
1960-61, c.15, s.7; 1986, c.66, s.9; 1994, c.26, s.7; 1995, c.30, s.6; 2006, c.20, s.14
Inspection and restriction or prohibition of promotional materials
7.1(1)A licensed funeral provider shall forward for inspection to the Minister, at the request of the Minister, all advertising material, sales literature, catalogues, price lists, trade notices, brochures, folders, posters, displays, photographs, films and other material used or to be used by the licensed funeral provider, or by anyone acting on behalf of the licensed funeral provider, in relation to promoting pre-arranged funeral plans or to soliciting persons to enter into pre-arranged funeral plans.
7.1(2)The Minister may restrict or prohibit the use by a licensed funeral provider of any advertising material, sales literature, catalogues, price lists, trade notices, brochures, folders, posters, displays, photographs, films or other material referred to in subsection (1) if he finds that the use of the material is on any reasonable grounds objectionable.
7.1(3)A restriction or prohibition issued under subsection (2) constitutes a condition to which the funeral provider’s licence is subject.
1986, c.66, s.10; 2006, c.20, s.15
Inspection relating to pre-arranged funeral plan
7.2(1)The Minister may during normal business hours, for the purposes of this Act and the regulations and for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Act and the regulations, enter upon the premises of a licensed funeral provider where any business is carried on or anything is done in connection with pre-arranged funeral plans, and may inspect all books, records, accounts and documents that relate to or may relate to pre-arranged funeral plans.
7.2(2)During an inspection under subsection (1), the licensed funeral provider and any employee or agent of the licensed funeral provider shall produce for examination, audit or copying all books, records, accounts and documents that relate or that may relate to pre-arranged funeral plans.
7.2(3)In carrying out an inspection under subsection (1), the Minister may
(a) use a data processing system at the premises where the books, records, accounts and documents are kept,
(b) reproduce any book, record, account or document, and
(c) use any copying equipment at the premises where the books, records, accounts or documents are kept to make copies of any book, record, account or document.
7.2(4)The Minister shall not enter a private dwelling under subsection (1) unless the Minister has the consent of the occupier or has obtained an entry warrant under the Entry Warrants Act.
7.2(5)Before or after attempting to enter or to have access to any premises, the Minister may apply for an entry warrant under the Entry Warrants Act.
7.2(6)If the Minister removes books, records, accounts or documents during an inspection under subsection (1) to make a copy or extract of them or any part of them, the Minister shall give a receipt to the occupier for the books, records, accounts or documents and return them as soon as possible after the making of copies or extracts.
7.2(7)A licensed funeral provider, a licensed manager and any employee or agent of the licensed funeral provider shall give all reasonable assistance to the Minister when the Minister is carrying out an inspection under subsection (1).
7.2(8)No person shall obstruct or interfere with the Minister when the Minister is carrying out or attempting to carry out an inspection under subsection (1), or withhold, destroy, conceal, alter or refuse to furnish any information or thing reasonably required by the Minister for the purposes of the inspection.
7.2(9)A refusal of consent to enter a private dwelling is not and shall not be considered to be interfering with or obstructing within the meaning of subsection (8), except where an entry warrant has been obtained.
1986, c.66, s.10; 2006, c.20, s.16
Inspection relating to pre-arranged funeral plan
7.3Section 7.2 applies with the necessary modifications to the Minister and to a person who is a former licensee and who holds in trust any money under a pre-arranged funeral plan.
1995, c.30, s.7
Report by former licensee to Minister and Board
7.4A person who is a former licensee and who holds in trust any money under a pre-arranged funeral plan shall, no later than the thirty-first day of January of each year, send a written notice by ordinary mail to the Minister and the Board, stating the number of pre-arranged funeral plans held by the person and the amount of money held in trust in respect of the plans at the end of the preceding calendar year.
1995, c.30, s.7
Assignment of pre-arranged funeral plan
8(1)A licensed funeral provider may, with the consent of the purchaser or the purchaser’s legal representative or at the request of the purchaser or the purchaser’s legal representative, assign the pre-arranged funeral plan to another licensed funeral provider with notice in writing of the assignment to the financial institution maintaining the account on behalf of the licensed funeral provider.
8(2)Where an assignment of a pre-arranged funeral plan is made to another licensed funeral provider, the financial institution maintaining the account on behalf of the licensed funeral provider shall make all necessary changes in the records and funds in order to make the assignment complete, and if the account of the assignee is maintained elsewhere than with that financial institution, money held under the assigned pre-arranged funeral plan may be transferred to the account maintained on behalf of the assignee, upon the payment by the assignee of the charges and fees of the financial institution.
8(3)A licensed funeral provider who makes an assignment of a pre-arranged funeral plan to another licensed funeral provider on the request of the purchaser or the purchaser’s legal representative may charge the fee prescribed by regulation for making the assignment.
1960-61, c.15, s.8; 1986, c.66, s.11; 1994, c.26, s.8; 1995, c.30, s.8; 2006, c.20, s.17; 2008, c.13, s.2
Application of Act
9This Act does not apply to
(a) a mutual benefit society,
(b) a fraternal society,
(c) an insurance company authorized to do business in New Brunswick, or
(d) any person or class of persons exempted from the Act by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.
1960-61, c.15, s.9
Limitation period
9.1A prosecution for a violation of or a failure to comply with this Act shall be commenced within two years from the time of the violation or the failure to comply.
1994, c.26, s.9
Person other than licensed funeral provider agreeing to prove funeral services
9.2 A person commits an offence if, not being a licensed funeral provider under this Act, the person agrees for remuneration, reward, or compensation
(a) to provide funeral services under a pre-arranged funeral plan, or
(b) to arrange the provision of funeral services under a pre-arranged funeral plan.
2008, c.11, s.24
Offences and penalties
10(1)A person who violates or fails to comply with a provision of the regulations commits an offence.
10(2)A person who violates or fails to comply with a provision of this Act that is listed in Column I of Schedule A commits an offence.
10(3)For the purposes of Part II of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act, each offence listed in Column I of Schedule A is punishable as an offence of the category listed beside it in Column II of Schedule A.
1960-61, c.15, s.10; 2006, c.20, s.18; 2008, c.11, s.24
Suspension or cancellation of funeral provider’s licence or manager’s licence
11(1)The Minister may, after notice to the licensed funeral provider and a hearing, suspend or cancel a funeral provider’s licence issued under this Act if the Minister is satisfied that the licensed funeral provider
(a) has violated or failed to comply with any provision of this Act, has been charged with or convicted of an offence under this Act or has violated any term or condition to which the licence is subject,
(b) has made a material misstatement in the application for the licence or in any information or material submitted by the licensed funeral provider to the Minister;
(c) has been charged with or convicted of misrepresentation, theft or fraud in relation the business of providing funeral services under pre-arranged funeral plans or in relation to any other business, or
(d) has demonstrated incompetence or untrustworthiness in carrying on the business of providing funeral services under pre-arranged funeral plans.
11(1.1)The Minister may, after notice to the licensed manager and a hearing, suspend or cancel a manager’s licence issued under this Act if the Minister is satisfied that the licensed manager
(a) has violated or failed to comply with any provision of this Act, has been charged with or convicted of an offence under this Act or has violated any term or condition to which the licence is subject,
(b) has made a material misstatement in the application for the licence or in any information or material submitted by the licensed manager to the Minister,
(c) has been charged with or convicted of misrepresentation, theft or fraud in relation to the business of providing funeral services under pre-arranged funeral plans or in relation to any other business, or
(d) has demonstrated incompetence or untrustworthiness in relation to the business of providing funeral services under pre-arranged funeral plans.
11(1.2)Subject to subsection (1.3), the Minister may suspend a funeral provider’s licence or a manager’s licence issued under this Act without a hearing for a period not exceeding fifteen days if the Minister is satisfied that the licensed funeral provider or licensed manager, as the case may be, has violated or failed to comply with any provision of this Act.
11(1.3)If a hearing is commenced under subsection (1) or (1.1), as the case may be, within the fifteen-day period referred to in subsection (1.2) the Minister may extend the suspension of the funeral provider’s licence or manager’s licence until the hearing is concluded.
11(2)A person whose licence is cancelled or suspended under subsection (1) or (1.1) may appeal the cancellation or suspension to a judge of The Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick within thirty days after the person is notified of the cancellation or suspension.
11(3)An appeal under subsection (2) shall be commenced by Notice of Application and a copy of the Notice of Application shall be served on the Minister within five days after the commencement of the appeal but not less than ten days before the day on which the application is to be heard.
11(4)The Rules of Court apply in relation to a Notice of Application under subsection (3) to the extent that they are not inconsistent with this Act or the regulations.
11(4.1)Repealed: 2006, c.20, s.19
11(4.2)The Minister may cancel a funeral provider’s licence issued under this Act if the Minister is satisfied that the licensed funeral provider is in arrears more than ten days with respect to any levies that are required to be paid to the Board for deposit to the credit of the Compensation Fund.
11(5)When a funeral provider’s licence is cancelled the Minister shall assign all pre-arranged funeral plans entered into by the person whose funeral provider’s licence is cancelled to one or more other licensed funeral providers, with notice to the persons affected by the assignment.
11(5.01)Where a funeral provider’s licence or manager’s licence is cancelled, the Minister shall publish notice of the cancellation once in one or more newspapers having general circulation in the Province.
11(5.1)When a funeral provider’s licence is suspended, has lapsed or has been surrendered or where a licensed funeral provider is unable or unwilling to perform the contracted service under one or more pre-arranged funeral plans, the Minister may assign any or all pre-arranged funeral plans entered into by the person whose funeral provider’s licence is suspended, lapsed or surrendered or by the licensed funeral provider who is unable or unwilling to perform the contracted service, to one or more other licensed funeral providers, with notice to the persons affected by the assignment.
11(6)An assignment under subsection (5) or (5.1) is effective to assign the pre-arranged funeral plans specified in the assignment and the interest of the person or licensed funeral provider in any agreement with a financial institution under section 5 with respect to money paid under the pre-arranged funeral plans, and is binding on all persons affected by the assignment.
1960-61, c.15, s.11; 1986, c.66, s.12; 1994, c.26, s.10; 2006, c.20, s.19
Application of Act
12(1)Except as provided by this section and sections 6.1 and 6.2, this Act does not apply to pre-arranged funeral plans entered into before June 20, 1963.
12(2)Repealed: 2006, c.20, s.20
12(3)Repealed: 2006, c.20, s.20
12(4)Where before June 20, 1963 a pre-arranged funeral plan was entered into,
(a) seventy-five per cent of the money paid or payable under that plan shall be held in trust for the purposes of the plan and deposited, as required by the regulations, with a financial institution until required to be used or expended in accordance with the terms of the pre-arranged funeral plan, and
(b) any term or provision of the pre-arranged funeral plan that provides for the forfeiture of the money paid under the plan in the event that the full amount agreed upon is not paid or is not paid within the times stipulated is void except as to twenty-five per cent of the amount agreed to be paid under the plan.
1960-61, c.15, s.12; 1986, c.66, s.13; 1994, c.26, s.11; 2006, c.20, s.20
Freedom from legal process of money paid
13Any money standing to the credit of a pre-arranged funeral plan is not, while in the hands of the financial institution or while in course of transmission from or to the person who is to provide the funeral services under the pre-arranged funeral plan, liable to demand, seizure or detention under legal process as against the purchaser or the purchaser’s legal representative or as against the person to whom the money is to be paid under the pre-arranged funeral plan for the provision of funeral services.
1960-61, c.15, s.13; 1986, c.66, s.14; 1994, c.26, s.12; 2006, c.20, s.21
14The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) respecting forms for use under this Act and the regulations;
(b) respecting the form and content of pre-arranged funeral plans;
(b.1) prescribing the Standard Form of Pre-arranged Funeral Plan;
(c) prescribing fees payable under this Act and the regulations;
(d) respecting the application for and the issuing of a funeral provider’s licence or manager’s licence, including the information to be provided by and the conditions to be met by an applicant before a licence is issued and the terms and conditions to which licences are subject;
(e) respecting reports to be made under this Act, the times for reporting and the information to be contained in reports;
(e.1) respecting books, records, accounts or documents to be maintained by licensed funeral providers, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
(i) the contents of the books, records, accounts or documents to be maintained,
(ii) the form in which the books, records, accounts or documents are to be maintained,
(iii) the place or places where the books, records, accounts or documents are to be maintained, and
(iv) the length of time for which the books, records, accounts or documents are to be maintained;
(f) respecting appeals under section 11, including procedures to be followed and the powers of the judge on appeal;
(g) prescribing the period of time during which a funeral provider’s licence or manager’s licence is valid;
(h) respecting the display on pre-arranged funeral plans of the licensed funeral provider’s address to which correspondence may be sent;
(i) respecting the display on pre-arranged funeral plans of notice of termination, cancellation or discontinuance rights, including the placement, format and wording of the notice and the form, size, type and colouring of the lettering used in the notice and respecting the use in any such notice of both official languages of the Province in specified circumstances;
(i.1) prescribing the losses for which compensation is payable from the Compensation Fund;
(i.11) prescribing other purposes for which money from the Compensation Fund may be used;
(i.2) respecting the administration of the Compensation Fund;
(i.3) respecting the investing of money in the Compensation Fund and the paying out of money from the Compensation Fund;
(i.4) prescribing the amount of levies to be paid for deposit to the credit of the Compensation Fund and the time within which the levies are to be paid;
(i.5) respecting the purchase of insurance to supplement the Compensation Fund;
(i.6) respecting appeals from a refusal to pay out of the Compensation Fund;
(i.7) respecting the powers and duties of the Board;
(i.8) respecting payment out of the Compensation Fund and procedures to be followed with respect to payments out of the Compensation Fund;
(i.9) respecting limitations on the amount of any claim against the Compensation Fund;
(i.91) respecting limitations as to when a claim against the Compensation Fund may be made;
(i.92) respecting audits of the Compensation Fund;
(j) Repealed: 1994, c.26, s.13
(k) Repealed: 1994, c.26, s.13
(l) Repealed: 1994, c.26, s.13
(m) Repealed: 1994, c.26, s.13
(n) Repealed: 1994, c.26, s.13
(o) Repealed: 1994, c.26, s.13
(p) Repealed: 1994, c.26, s.13
(q) respecting the manner in which pre-arranged funeral plans may be promoted or in which persons may be solicited to enter into such plans, including regulating, limiting or prohibiting the promotion or solicitation in specified places;
(r) prohibiting the direct selling, within the meaning of the Direct Sellers Act, of pre-arranged funeral plans;
(s) prescribing penalties payable on the termination, cancellation or discontinuance of a pre-arranged funeral plan;
(t) prescribing the period of time within which a pre-arranged funeral plan may be terminated, cancelled or discontinued without penalty or charge;
(u) respecting the manner in which a financial institution shall maintain records with respect to each pre-arranged funeral plan in relation to which money has been paid to the financial institution;
(v) prescribing the period of time within which money paid under a pre-arranged funeral plan must be paid to a financial institution;
(w) exempting any person or class of persons from this Act.
1960-61, c.15, s.14; 1986, c.66, s.15; 1994, c.26, s.13; 1995, c.30, s.9; 2006, c.20, s.22
Column I
Column II
Category of Offence
2008, c.11, s.24
N.B. This Act is consolidated to March 1, 2013.