Acts and Regulations

H-4.05 - Heritage Conservation Act

Full text
Temporary order to cease activity
84(1)The Minister, or an inspector appointed by the Minister, may issue a temporary order to cease activity with respect to a property in the Province to prevent the alteration of the property, any damage to the property or the demolition or removal of a building or structure on the property, if the Minister or inspector is of the opinion that
(a) the property is eligible to be designated as a provincial heritage place, and
(b) the property is likely to be altered or damaged or a building or structure located on the property is likely to be removed or demolished.
84(2)A heritage board, or an inspector appointed by a council, may issue a temporary order to cease activity with respect to a property in the municipality to prevent the alteration of the property, any damage to the property or the demolition or removal of a building or structure on the property, if the board or inspector is of the opinion that
(a) the property is located in an area that is eligible to be designated as a municipal heritage conservation area, and
(b) the property is likely to be altered or damaged or a building or structure located on the property is likely to be removed or demolished.
84(3)A temporary order to cease activity shall direct the owner of the property, or any person in apparent possession of the property, to ensure that any activity that is likely to result in the alteration of or damage to the property or the demolition or removal of any building or structure on the property not be commenced or be discontinued for a period of up to 60 days.
84(4)If, before the expiry of the 60 day period, notice is given under subparagraph 32(1)(a)(i) or paragraph 56(1)(b), a temporary order to cease activity is extended until a decision is made under section 36 or a by-law is made under section 55.
Temporary order to cease activity
84(1)The Minister, or an inspector appointed by the Minister, may issue a temporary order to cease activity with respect to a property in the Province to prevent the alteration of the property, any damage to the property or the demolition or removal of a building or structure on the property, if the Minister or inspector is of the opinion that
(a) the property is eligible to be designated as a provincial heritage place, and
(b) the property is likely to be altered or damaged or a building or structure located on the property is likely to be removed or demolished.
84(2)A heritage board, or an inspector appointed by a council, may issue a temporary order to cease activity with respect to a property in the municipality to prevent the alteration of the property, any damage to the property or the demolition or removal of a building or structure on the property, if the board or inspector is of the opinion that
(a) the property is located in an area that is eligible to be designated as a municipal heritage conservation area, and
(b) the property is likely to be altered or damaged or a building or structure located on the property is likely to be removed or demolished.
84(3)A temporary order to cease activity shall direct the owner of the property, or any person in apparent possession of the property, to ensure that any activity that is likely to result in the alteration of or damage to the property or the demolition or removal of any building or structure on the property not be commenced or be discontinued for a period of up to 60 days.
84(4)If, before the expiry of the 60 day period, notice is given under subparagraph 32(1)(a)(i) or paragraph 56(1)(b), a temporary order to cease activity is extended until a decision is made under section 36 or a by-law is made under section 55.