Acts and Regulations

H-4.05 - Heritage Conservation Act

Full text
Order to cease activity
83(1)The Minister, or an inspector appointed by the Minister, may issue an order to cease activity concerning any of the following activities conducted in contravention of this Act, the regulations or the terms and conditions of a permit issued under this Act:
(a) removing, tampering with or disturbing an archaeological object, palaeontological object, burial object or human remains or any other evidence of past human use or activity;
(b) excavating, altering or disturbing the ground or rock, or placing or constructing any structure or work; or
(c) altering the heritage value or the character-defining elements of a provincial heritage place.
83(2)A heritage board, or an inspector appointed by a council, may issue an order to cease activity with respect to work or development undertaken in a municipal heritage conservation area in contravention of this Act, a by-law made under this Act or the terms and conditions of a municipal heritage permit.
83(3)An order issued under subsection (1) or (2) may provide for any of the following:
(a) the cessation of the work;
(b) the alteration of the work so as to remove the contravention; and
(c) the performance of work to restore the land, building or structure to the condition it was in immediately prior to the activity being carried out that is the subject of the order to cease.
Order to cease activity
83(1)The Minister, or an inspector appointed by the Minister, may issue an order to cease activity concerning any of the following activities conducted in contravention of this Act, the regulations or the terms and conditions of a permit issued under this Act:
(a) removing, tampering with or disturbing an archaeological object, palaeontological object, burial object or human remains or any other evidence of past human use or activity;
(b) excavating, altering or disturbing the ground or rock, or placing or constructing any structure or work; or
(c) altering the heritage value or the character-defining elements of a provincial heritage place.
83(2)A heritage board, or an inspector appointed by a council, may issue an order to cease activity with respect to work or development undertaken in a municipal heritage conservation area in contravention of this Act, a by-law made under this Act or the terms and conditions of a municipal heritage permit.
83(3)An order issued under subsection (1) or (2) may provide for any of the following:
(a) the cessation of the work;
(b) the alteration of the work so as to remove the contravention; and
(c) the performance of work to restore the land, building or structure to the condition it was in immediately prior to the activity being carried out that is the subject of the order to cease.