Acts and Regulations

H-4.05 - Heritage Conservation Act

Full text
Appeal to Appeal Board
70(1)Unless the Appeal Board decides there are insufficient grounds for hearing an appeal, the Appeal Board shall hear and determine all appeals lodged under subsection (2).
70(2)A person may appeal to the Appeal Board if he or she is aggrieved:
(a) with the decision of a heritage board to issue, refuse to issue or cancel a municipal heritage permit;
(b) with the decision of a heritage officer to issue or cancel a municipal heritage permit;
(c) with a term or condition of a municipal heritage permit imposed by a heritage board;
(d) with the failure of a heritage board to impose a term or condition on a municipal heritage permit;
(e) with an order to cease activity issued by a heritage board or an inspector under subsection 83(2); or
(f) with the misapplication of this Act or a by-law made under this Act, or a by-law or regulation respecting zoning and planning development under another Act.
70(3)An appeal shall be commenced within 15 days after the decision or order is made or the imposition of or failure to impose a term or condition.
Appeal to Appeal Board
70(1)Unless the Appeal Board decides there are insufficient grounds for hearing an appeal, the Appeal Board shall hear and determine all appeals lodged under subsection (2).
70(2)A person may appeal to the Appeal Board if he or she is aggrieved:
(a) with the decision of a heritage board to issue, refuse to issue or cancel a municipal heritage permit;
(b) with the decision of a heritage officer to issue or cancel a municipal heritage permit;
(c) with a term or condition of a municipal heritage permit imposed by a heritage board;
(d) with the failure of a heritage board to impose a term or condition on a municipal heritage permit;
(e) with an order to cease activity issued by a heritage board or an inspector under subsection 83(2); or
(f) with the misapplication of this Act or a by-law made under this Act, or a by-law or regulation respecting zoning and planning development under another Act.
70(3)An appeal shall be commenced within 15 days after the decision or order is made or the imposition of or failure to impose a term or condition.