Acts and Regulations

H-4.05 - Heritage Conservation Act

Full text
Application for permit
24(1)The Minister may issue an amateur archaeologist or palaeontologist permit to an applicant who, in the Minister’s opinion, is not engaged in the activities of a professional archaeologist or palaeontologist and whose intended activities are consistent with the conservation of provincial heritage.
24(2)Despite subsection 11(1), a permit issued under subsection (1) authorizes the permit holder to undertake the archaeological or palaeontological activities that are prescribed by regulation.
24(3)An application for an amateur archaeologist or palaeontologist permit shall be made to the Minister in the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by the information and documents that the Minister requires.
24(4)The Minister shall provide written reasons for refusing to issue a permit.
Application for permit
24(1)The Minister may issue an amateur archaeologist or palaeontologist permit to an applicant who, in the Minister’s opinion, is not engaged in the activities of a professional archaeologist or palaeontologist and whose intended activities are consistent with the conservation of provincial heritage.
24(2)Despite subsection 11(1), a permit issued under subsection (1) authorizes the permit holder to undertake the archaeological or palaeontological activities that are prescribed by regulation.
24(3)An application for an amateur archaeologist or palaeontologist permit shall be made to the Minister in the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by the information and documents that the Minister requires.
24(4)The Minister shall provide written reasons for refusing to issue a permit.