Mode and notice of assessment
59(1)Assessments may be made in such manner and form, at such times, and by such procedure as the Commission deems adequate and expedient, and may be general as applicable to any class or subclass, or special as applicable to any industry or part or department of any industry, or any employer.
59(2)Notice of a general assessment may be in the form prescribed by Order in Council, and shall be published once in
The Royal Gazette, and in such newspapers, and in such other manner, as the Commission may deem adequate or expedient.
59(3)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may prescribe the form of notice of assessment to be used under subsection (2).
R.S., c.255, s.54; 1965, c.48, s.10; 1973, c.74, s.82; 1983, c.7, s.22; 1994, c.70, s.12