Submission of Crown to Act
28(1)Repealed: 1994, c.70, s.12
28(1.1)Repealed: 1994, c.70, s.12
28(2)If the Crown in right of the Province in its capacity as an employer submits to the operation of this Act, the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board may
pay such portion of the administration expenses as is authorized by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and
make an advance to the Commission in respect of compensation that may be paid by the Commission.
R.S., c.255, s.26; 1961-62, c.72, s.9; 1968, c.91, s.2; 1987, c.64, s.7; 1989, c.65, s.6.1; 1992, c.34, s.9; 1994, c.70, s.12; 2019, c.29, s.158