Agreement respecting establishment of a regional policing authority
17.01(1)Any municipality may, with the written consent of the Minister, be a party to an agreement whereby a regional policing authority is established for the purposes of section 17.02.
17.01(2)An agreement whereby a regional policing authority is established shall make provision for
administration and bookkeeping;
defining the boundaries of the region to be policed under the agreement, which may include two or more municipalities and areas outside the limits of a municipality;
the composition of the regional policing authority which shall consist of
one or more members representing each municipality that is a party to the agreement, at least one of whom shall be a mayor or a councillor and all of whom shall ordinarily reside in the municipality, and
one or more persons ordinarily residing in the region appointed by the Minister;
subject to subsection 17.05(4), the appointment of members of the regional policing authority referred to in subparagraph (2)(
funding the regional policing authority and the provision of policing by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, including
the determination of the contribution each party will pay,
an interim budget, if required,
a method of approving budgets proposed by the regional policing authority,
a method of dealing with surplus funds,
a method of dealing with a deficit,
a method of sharing the debts and other liabilities of the regional policing authority, and
a method of paying funds to the regional policing authority by the parties to the agreement;
a means of addressing the accommodation, equipment and support staff requirements of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police;
the acquisition, valuation and disposal of property;
selecting a chairperson of the regional policing authority;
determining the time and location of meetings of the regional policing authority;
establishing a quorum for meetings of the regional policing authority;
fixing a date for the initial provision of police services under the agreement;
any other matter the Minister requires.
17.01(3)The Minister shall be a party to the agreement if the region to be policed under the agreement includes an area not contained within the limits of any municipality that is a party to the agreement.
1997, c.60, s.8; 2021, c.25, s.1