Appointment and status of auxiliary police officers and auxiliary police constables
13(1)A board or a joint board, or a council if a board or a joint board has not been established, may appoint to the police force auxiliary police officers but shall not appoint auxiliary police officers to perform on a regular basis the work that would otherwise be performed by a police officer appointed under section 10, 11 or 17.3.
13(1.1)The Minister may, on the recommendation of the officer commanding “J” Division of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, appoint persons as auxiliary police constables to assist the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the performance of the duties referred to in section 2.
13(2)An auxiliary police officer
is charged with the responsibilities set out in subsection 12(1) and has the powers, authority, privileges, rights and immunities of a peace officer only when accompanied by and under the supervision of
a police officer, other than an auxiliary police officer, or
a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and
shall act only when accompanied by and under the supervision of
a police officer, other than an auxiliary police officer, or
a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
13(2.1)An auxiliary police constable
has the powers, authority, privileges, rights and immunities of a peace officer only when accompanied by and under the supervision of
a police officer, other than an auxiliary police officer, or
a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and
shall act only when accompanied by and under the supervision of
a police officer, other than an auxiliary police officer, or
a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
13(3)Repealed: 1987, c.41, s.7 1981, c.59, s.10; 1984, c.54, s.6; 1987, c.41, s.7; 1988, c.64, s.10; 1996, c.18, s.5; 1997, c.55, s.8; 2021, c.25, s.1