Appointment by council of chief of police and police officers
11(1)Where a board has not been established for a municipality or a board has been established by a municipality and has been dissolved pursuant to subsection 7(15), the council, except where it has entered into an agreement under section 4, 17.01 or 17.1,
shall appoint a chief of police,
shall provide the force with such accommodation, arms, equipment, clothing and other items as the council considers necessary, and
shall appoint police officers to the police force from candidates recommended by the chief of police pursuant to paragraph (2)(a) or may by resolution authorize the chief of police to appoint police officers.
Powers of chief of police
11(2)The chief of police, on behalf of the municipality,
shall recommend to the council candidates for appointment as police officers, or, where authorized by the council, may appoint police officers, and
may employ for the police force such employees as the council considers adequate.
11(3)Repealed: 1997, c.55, s.7
Deemed police officers where agreement
11(4)Where a municipality has entered into an agreement under paragraph 4(c) for employment of the police force of another municipality as its police force, the chief of police and each police officer of that force shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been appointed for the first mentioned municipality as well as for the municipality that he was appointed to serve.
Cessation of police force on execution of agreement
11(5)Where the municipality acquiring the police force had a police force immediately prior to the execution of the agreement referred to in subsection (4), the police force of that municipality ceases to exist on the execution of that agreement.
Members to be considered for appointment
11(6)The members of the police force which ceases to exist pursuant to subsection (5) shall be considered for appointment by the municipality with which the agreement was entered, where it becomes necessary by reason of that agreement for that municipality to expand its police force, and if so appointed, recognition may be given to the years of service of the member in determining his pay and fringe benefits.
By-laws and resolutions made by council
11(7)A council may make by-laws or resolutions consistent with this Act and the regulations for the purpose of performing its responsibilities under this Act and shall file each by-law or resolution with the Commission.
By-laws and resolutions made by council
11(8)Any by-law or resolution made under subsection (7) may be inspected at and a copy obtained from the office of the clerk of the municipality or of the Commission.
1981, c.59, s.8; 1984, c.54, s.4; 1987, c.41, s.5; 1991, c.26, s.5; 1997, c.55, s.7; 1997, c.60, s.7; 2000, c.38, s.11