Acts and Regulations

O-0.2 - Occupational Health and Safety Act

Full text
Joint health and safety committees for project site — general
14.2(1)This section applies to a joint health and safety committee that is established for a project site.
14.2(2)The employer and employee representatives of a committee shall each elect a co-chair from their respective groups.
14.2(3)A committee, unless it is dissolved under subsection 14.3(6), continues until work on the project site is completed, regardless of the number of employees working on the site.
14.2(4)A committee shall meet at least once a month.
14.2(5)A committee shall
(a) take and maintain minutes of its meeting on a form approved by the Commission,
(b) promptly provide the contractor with a copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairs of the committee, and
(c) keep a copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairs of the committee for a period of three years and make it available to the Commission on request.
14.2(6)Where a committee cannot agree on a matter related to health and safety, the committee shall call an officer to resolve the problem.
14.2(7)Section 15 applies with the necessary modifications to a committee and the contractor on a project site, except as follows:
(a) the reference to “employer” in paragraph (d) shall be read as “employers on the site”;
(b) the reference to “employer” in paragraph (g) shall be read as “employers”;
(c) subparagraph (k)(ii) shall be read as follows:
(ii) may be assigned to a committee by agreement between the committee and the contractor, or
14.2(8)A contractor who is responsible for a project site for which a committee is established shall ensure that
(a) the names of the members of the committee are posted in a prominent place or places at the project site, and
(b) the minutes of the most recent committee meeting are promptly posted in a prominent place or places at the project site.
2007, c.12, s.5; 2022, c.32, s.11; 2024, c.5, s.1
Joint health and safety committees for project site — general
14.2(1)This section applies to a joint health and safety committee that is established for a project site.
14.2(2)The employer and employee representatives of a committee shall each elect a co-chair from their respective groups.
14.2(3)A committee, unless it is dissolved under subsection 14.3(6), continues until work on the project site is completed, regardless of the number of employees working on the site.
14.2(4)A committee shall meet at least once a month.
14.2(5)A committee shall
(a) take and maintain minutes of its meeting on a form approved by the Commission,
(b) promptly provide the contractor with a copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairs of the committee, and
(c) send a copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairs of the committee to the Commission.
14.2(6)Where a committee cannot agree on a matter related to health and safety, the committee shall call an officer to resolve the problem.
14.2(7)Section 15 applies with the necessary modifications to a committee and the contractor on a project site, except as follows:
(a) the reference to “employer” in paragraph (d) shall be read as “employers on the site”;
(b) the reference to “employer” in paragraph (g) shall be read as “employers”;
(c) subparagraph (k)(ii) shall be read as follows:
(ii) may be assigned to a committee by agreement between the committee and the contractor, or
14.2(8)A contractor who is responsible for a project site for which a committee is established shall ensure that
(a) the names of the members of the committee are posted in a prominent place or places at the project site, and
(b) the minutes of the most recent committee meeting are promptly posted in a prominent place or places at the project site.
2007, c.12, s.5; 2022, c.32, s.11
Joint health and safety committees for project site — general
14.2(1)This section applies to a joint health and safety committee that is established for a project site.
14.2(2)The employer and employee representatives of a committee shall each elect a co-chairman from their respective groups.
14.2(3)A committee, unless it is dissolved under subsection 14.3(6), continues until work on the project site is completed, regardless of the number of employees working on the site.
14.2(4)A committee shall meet at least once a month.
14.2(5)A committee shall
(a) take and maintain minutes of its meeting on a form approved by the Commission,
(b) promptly provide the contractor with a copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairmen of the committee, and
(c) send a copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairmen of the committee to the Commission.
14.2(6)Where a committee cannot agree on a matter related to health and safety, the committee shall call an officer to resolve the problem.
14.2(7)Section 15 applies with the necessary modifications to a committee and the contractor on a project site, except as follows:
(a) the reference to “employer” in paragraph (d) shall be read as “employers on the site”;
(b) the reference to “employer” in paragraph (g) shall be read as “employers”;
(c) subparagraph (k)(ii) shall be read as follows:
(ii) may be assigned to a committee by agreement between the committee and the contractor, or
14.2(8)A contractor who is responsible for a project site for which a committee is established shall ensure that
(a) the names of the members of the committee are posted in a prominent place or places at the project site, and
(b) the minutes of the most recent committee meeting are promptly posted in a prominent place or places at the project site.
2007, c.12, s.5
Joint health and safety committees for project site — general
14.2(1)This section applies to a joint health and safety committee that is established for a project site.
14.2(2)The employer and employee representatives of a committee shall each elect a co-chairman from their respective groups.
14.2(3)A committee, unless it is dissolved under subsection 14.3(6), continues until work on the project site is completed, regardless of the number of employees working on the site.
14.2(4)A committee shall meet at least once a month.
14.2(5)A committee shall
(a) take and maintain minutes of its meeting on a form approved by the Commission,
(b) promptly provide the contractor with a copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairmen of the committee, and
(c) send a copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairmen of the committee to the Commission.
14.2(6)Where a committee cannot agree on a matter related to health and safety, the committee shall call an officer to resolve the problem.
14.2(7)Section 15 applies with the necessary modifications to a committee and the contractor on a project site, except as follows:
(a) the reference to “employer” in paragraph (d) shall be read as “employers on the site”;
(b) the reference to “employer” in paragraph (g) shall be read as “employers”;
(c) subparagraph (k)(ii) shall be read as follows:
(ii) may be assigned to a committee by agreement between the committee and the contractor, or
14.2(8)A contractor who is responsible for a project site for which a committee is established shall ensure that
(a) the names of the members of the committee are posted in a prominent place or places at the project site, and
(b) the minutes of the most recent committee meeting are promptly posted in a prominent place or places at the project site.
2007, c.12, s.5