Acts and Regulations

O-0.2 - Occupational Health and Safety Act

Full text
Joint Health and Safety Committees
14(0.1)This section does not apply to a project site.
14(1)Every employer with twenty or more employees regularly employed at a place of employment shall ensure the establishment of a joint health and safety committee.
14(1.1)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(2)A committee shall consist of such number of persons as may be agreed to by the employer and the employees.
14(3)A committee shall consist of equal representation from both the employer and the employees, and the employer shall designate the employer’s representative or representatives and the employees shall designate their representative or representatives.
14(4)Where the employer and employees cannot agree on the size of the committee, the Chief Compliance Officer may establish its size.
14(5)The employer and employee members of a committee shall elect a co-chair from their respective groups.
14(6)Subject to section 16, a committee shall meet at least once a month.
14(7)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(8)A committee shall take and maintain minutes of its meeting on a form approved by the Commission.
14(9)The employer at a place of employment shall ensure that the names of the members of the committee of the place of employment and the minutes of the most recent committee meeting are posted in a prominent place or places at the place of employment.
14(10)The committee shall keep a copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairs of the committee for a period of three years and shall make it available to the Commission on request.
14(11)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(12)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(13)Where a committee cannot agree on a matter related to health and safety, the committee shall call an officer to resolve the problem.
1985, c.64, s.2; 2001, c.35, s.7; 2007, c.12, s.4; 2022, c.32, s.9; 2024, c.5, s.1
Joint Health and Safety Committees
14(0.1)This section does not apply to a project site.
14(1)Every employer with twenty or more employees regularly employed at a place of employment shall ensure the establishment of a joint health and safety committee.
14(1.1)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(2)A committee shall consist of such number of persons as may be agreed to by the employer and the employees.
14(3)A committee shall consist of equal representation from both the employer and the employees, and the employer shall designate the employer’s representative or representatives and the employees shall designate their representative or representatives.
14(4)Where the employer and employees cannot agree on the size of the committee, the Chief Compliance Officer may establish its size.
14(5)The employer and employee members of a committee shall elect a co-chair from their respective groups.
14(6)Subject to section 16, a committee shall meet at least once a month.
14(7)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(8)A committee shall take and maintain minutes of its meeting on a form approved by the Commission.
14(9)The employer at a place of employment shall ensure that the names of the members of the committee of the place of employment and the minutes of the most recent committee meeting are posted in a prominent place or places at the place of employment.
14(10)A copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairs of the committee shall be sent to the Commission.
14(11)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(12)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(13)Where a committee cannot agree on a matter related to health and safety, the committee shall call an officer to resolve the problem.
1985, c.64, s.2; 2001, c.35, s.7; 2007, c.12, s.4; 2022, c.32, s.9
Joint Health and Safety Committees
14(0.1)This section does not apply to a project site.
14(1)Every employer with twenty or more employees regularly employed at a place of employment shall ensure the establishment of a joint health and safety committee.
14(1.1)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(2)A committee shall consist of such number of persons as may be agreed to by the employer and the employees.
14(3)A committee shall consist of equal representation from both the employer and the employees, and the employer shall designate his representative or representatives and the employees shall designate their representative or representatives.
14(4)Where the employer and employees cannot agree on the size of the committee, the Chief Compliance Officer may establish its size.
14(5)The employer and employee members of a committee shall elect a co-chairman from their respective groups.
14(6)Subject to section 16, a committee shall meet at least once a month.
14(7)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(8)A committee shall take and maintain minutes of its meeting on a form approved by the Commission.
14(9)The employer at a place of employment shall ensure that the names of the members of the committee of the place of employment and the minutes of the most recent committee meeting are posted in a prominent place or places at the place of employment.
14(10)A copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairmen of the committee shall be sent to the Commission.
14(11)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(12)Repealed: 2007, c.12, s.4
14(13)Where a committee cannot agree on a matter related to health and safety, the committee shall call an officer to resolve the problem.
1985, c.64, s.2; 2001, c.35, s.7; 2007, c.12, s.4
Joint Health and Safety Committees
14(1)Subject to subsection (1.1), every employer with twenty or more employees regularly employed at a place of employment shall ensure the establishment of a joint health and safety committee.
14(1.1)Where twenty or more employees are employed at a project site, the principal contractor or, if there is no principal contractor, the owner shall ensure the establishment of a joint health and safety committee.
14(2)A committee shall consist of such number of persons as may be agreed to by the employer and the employees.
14(3)A committee shall consist of equal representation from both the employer and the employees, and the employer shall designate his representative or representatives and the employees shall designate their representative or representatives.
14(4)Where the employer and employees cannot agree on the size of the committee, the Chief Compliance Officer may establish its size.
14(5)The employer and employee members of a committee shall elect a co-chairman from their respective groups.
14(6)Subject to section 16, a committee shall meet at least once a month.
14(7)Each member of the committee shall receive when engaged in committee meetings pay at his rate and other benefits for the time periods during which the meetings are held.
14(8)A committee shall take and maintain minutes of its meeting on a form approved by the Commission.
14(9)The employer at a place of employment shall ensure that the names of the members of the committee of the place of employment and the minutes of the most recent committee meeting are posted in a prominent place or places at the place of employment.
14(10)A copy of the minutes signed by the co-chairmen of the committee shall be sent to the Commission.
14(11)The employer at a place of employment, in consultation with members of the committee at the place of employment, shall grant to the committee members the necessary leave to be trained in the duties and responsibilities of a committee member.
14(12)Where an employer does not grant a leave to members of a committee in accordance with subsection (11), the Commission may order an employer to grant a committee member leave.
14(13)Where a committee cannot agree on a matter related to health and safety, the committee shall call an officer to resolve the problem.
1985, c.64, s.2; 2001, c.35, s.7