Prohibitions, regulations
177(1)A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto.
177(2)No person shall use a bicycle to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it was designed or equipped.
177(3)No person shall ride on or operate a bicycle on a highway unless the person is wearing a bicycle helmet in accordance with the regulations and the chin strap of the helmet is securely fastened under the person’s chin.
177(4)No parent or guardian of a person who is under sixteen years of age shall authorize or knowingly permit that person to ride on or operate a bicycle on a highway unless the person is wearing a helmet in accordance with subsection (3).
177(4.1)A person sixteen years of age or older who violates or fails to comply with subsection (3) or (4) commits an offence.
177(4.2)The minimum and the maximum fine that may be imposed on a person convicted of an offence under subsection (3) or (4) shall be twenty-one dollars.
177(5)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations
respecting standards to be met by helmets required to be worn under subsection (3);
respecting the identification and marking of helmets required to be worn under subsection (3);
exempting persons or classes of persons in whole or in part from the application of subsection (3) or (4) or both and establishing conditions respecting such exemptions.
1955, c.13, s.159; 1961-62, c.62, s.57; 1993, c.5, s.6; 1994, c.107, s.1; 1998, c.46, s.3