Reports made without prejudice
137(1)All accident reports made to peace officers or the Registrar by persons involved in accidents or by garages shall be without prejudice to the individual so reporting and shall not be admissible in evidence in any court in the Province in any civil proceeding, or any prosecution under an Act of the Legislature except for an alleged violation of subsection 134(2).
137(2)Notwithstanding subsection (1) the Registrar may furnish upon demand of any person who has, or claims to have, made such a report, or upon demand of any court, a certificate showing that a specified accident report has or has not been made to the Division solely to prove a compliance or a failure to comply with this Act.
1955, c.13, s.120; 1960, c.53, s.22; 1961-62, c.62, s.42; 1964, c.43, s.4; 1973, c.59, s.7; 1982, c.3, s.47