Acts and Regulations

J-2 - Judicature Act

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Time for delivering judgments
7.2(1)Subject to any other Act or the Rules of Court, a judge of the Court of King’s Bench shall deliver his or her judgment in any cause or matter within six months after hearing it.
7.2(2)At the request of a judge, the Chief Justice of the Court of King’s Bench may, in his or her discretion, after hearing a satisfactory explanation of the circumstances, extend the time in which a judgment may be delivered.
7.2(3)Where the Chief Justice extends the time under subsection (2), he or she may relieve the judge of his or her other duties until the judgment is delivered or take such other measures as the Chief Justice thinks appropriate.
2001, c.29, s.4; 2023, c.17, s.129
Time for delivering judgments
7.2(1)Subject to any other Act or the Rules of Court, a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench shall deliver his or her judgment in any cause or matter within six months after hearing it.
7.2(2)At the request of a judge, the Chief Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench may, in his or her discretion, after hearing a satisfactory explanation of the circumstances, extend the time in which a judgment may be delivered.
7.2(3)Where the Chief Justice extends the time under subsection (2), he or she may relieve the judge of his or her other duties until the judgment is delivered or take such other measures as the Chief Justice thinks appropriate.
2001, c.29, s.4