Acts and Regulations

H-4.05 - Heritage Conservation Act

Full text
Issuance of permit
65(1)A heritage board shall issue a municipal heritage permit if the board considers that this Act and the by-laws under this Act have been complied with.
65(2)A heritage board may designate a heritage officer to issue municipal heritage permits.
65(3)A heritage officer shall issue a municipal heritage permit if he or she is satisfied that the application for the permit complies with the standards and guidelines established or adopted under paragraphs 53(3)(e) and 55(5)(a), if the officer is not so satisfied, he or she shall refer the application to the heritage board.
65(4)A heritage board shall provide written reasons for refusing to issue a permit.
Issuance of permit
65(1)A heritage board shall issue a municipal heritage permit if the board considers that this Act and the by-laws under this Act have been complied with.
65(2)A heritage board may designate a heritage officer to issue municipal heritage permits.
65(3)A heritage officer shall issue a municipal heritage permit if he or she is satisfied that the application for the permit complies with the standards and guidelines established or adopted under paragraphs 53(3)(e) and 55(5)(a), if the officer is not so satisfied, he or she shall refer the application to the heritage board.
65(4)A heritage board shall provide written reasons for refusing to issue a permit.