Acts and Regulations

H-4.05 - Heritage Conservation Act

Full text
4(1)If, with respect to a matter affecting the conservation of a heritage place or heritage object, there is a conflict between a provision of this Act or the regulations and a provision of another Act or regulation, the provision of this Act or the regulations prevails.
4(2)If there is a conflict between an order of the Minister designating a provincial heritage place and a by-law made by a municipality under this Act or another Act, the order prevails to the extent of the conflict, but in all other respects the by-law remains in full force and effect.
4(1)If, with respect to a matter affecting the conservation of a heritage place or heritage object, there is a conflict between a provision of this Act or the regulations and a provision of another Act or regulation, the provision of this Act or the regulations prevails.
4(2)If there is a conflict between an order of the Minister designating a provincial heritage place and a by-law made by a municipality under this Act or another Act, the order prevails to the extent of the conflict, but in all other respects the by-law remains in full force and effect.