Acts and Regulations

H-4.05 - Heritage Conservation Act

Full text
Prohibitions respecting archaeological sites, palaeontological sites and burial grounds
11(1)No person shall carry out archaeological field research or palaeontological field research unless he or she holds an archaeological and palaeontological field research permit.
11(2)No person shall undertake any of the following activities for a purpose other than archaeological field research or palaeontological field research, unless he or she is the holder of a site alteration permit:
(a) excavating, altering or disturbing the ground or rock, or placing or constructing any structure or work in a place knowing that it is an archaeological or palaeontological site or a burial ground; or
(b) removing, tampering with or disturbing an archaeological object, palaeontological object, burial object or human remains or other evidence of past human use or activity.
11(3)If a person does not hold a permit referred to in subsection (1) or (2) and he or she discovers an archaeological site, palaeontological site or burial ground while excavating, altering or disturbing the ground or rock, or placing or constructing a structure or work, the person shall cease all those activities and notify the Minister.
Prohibitions respecting archaeological sites, palaeontological sites and burial grounds
11(1)No person shall carry out archaeological field research or palaeontological field research unless he or she holds an archaeological and palaeontological field research permit.
11(2)No person shall undertake any of the following activities for a purpose other than archaeological field research or palaeontological field research, unless he or she is the holder of a site alteration permit:
(a) excavating, altering or disturbing the ground or rock, or placing or constructing any structure or work in a place knowing that it is an archaeological or palaeontological site or a burial ground; or
(b) removing, tampering with or disturbing an archaeological object, palaeontological object, burial object or human remains or other evidence of past human use or activity.
11(3)If a person does not hold a permit referred to in subsection (1) or (2) and he or she discovers an archaeological site, palaeontological site or burial ground while excavating, altering or disturbing the ground or rock, or placing or constructing a structure or work, the person shall cease all those activities and notify the Minister.