Acts and Regulations

G-1.5 - Gaming Control Act

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Proposed suspension or revocation of registration
43(1)The Registrar may propose to suspend or to revoke a registration for any reason that would disentitle the registrant to registration or renewal of registration under section 40 or 41 if the registrant were an applicant.
43(2)If a registrant violates or fails to comply with this Act, the regulations, the terms or conditions of the registration or the requirements or standards prescribed by regulation, the Registrar may suspend or revoke the certificate of registration or require, for its maintenance or reinstatement, that the registrant comply with any terms and conditions imposed by the Registrar.
2021, c.22, s.18
Proposed suspension or revocation of registration
43(1)The Registrar may propose to suspend or to revoke a registration for any reason that would disentitle the registrant to registration or renewal of registration under section 40 or 41 if the registrant were an applicant.
43(2)Where a registrant violates or fails to comply with this Act or the regulations, or the terms of his or her registration, the Registrar may suspend or revoke the certificate of registration of the registrant or require, for its maintenance, renewal or reinstatement, that the registrant fulfil the conditions the Registrar may require.