Acts and Regulations

E-9.18 - Energy and Utilities Board Act

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Recovery of start-up costs – Pipeline Act, 2005
91For the purposes of the Pipeline Act, 2005, the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board may recover its start-up costs, as that term was defined in that Act immediately before the commencement of this section, by assessment of permittees and licensees under that Act over the period it shall determine, and shall remit them to the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board.
2019, c.29, s.51
Recovery of start-up costs – Pipeline Act, 2005
91For the purposes of the Pipeline Act, 2005, the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board may recover its start-up costs, as that term was defined in that Act immediately before the commencement of this section, by assessment of permittees and licensees under that Act over the period it shall determine, and shall remit them to the Minister of Finance.
Recovery of start-up costs – Pipeline Act, 2005
91For the purposes of the Pipeline Act, 2005, the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board may recover its start-up costs, as that term was defined in that Act immediately before the commencement of this section, by assessment of permittees and licensees under that Act over the period it shall determine, and shall remit them to the Minister of Finance.