Acts and Regulations

E-9.18 - Energy and Utilities Board Act

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Joint hearings
31(1)Subject to the prior approval of and any terms or conditions specified by the Minister, the Board or any member appointed by the Chairperson may participate in joint hearings with authorities constituted under the laws of other jurisdictions if the subject matter of the hearing is one over which the Board has jurisdiction or if the hearing is held under the authority of another Act of the Province.
31(2)Where the Chairperson so directs, any hearing required to be held under this Act or any other Act may be conducted as a joint hearing referred to in subsection (1).
31(3)Subject to any terms or conditions specified by the Minister, where a hearing required to be held under this Act or any other Act is conducted as a joint hearing, the member or members of the Board participating in the joint hearing shall, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, be deemed to be the Board and to have all the authority, powers and immunities of the Board with respect to all things related to the application or matter being considered at the hearing.