Minimum wage regulations
9(1)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may by regulation
fix the amount of the minimum wage or specify the manner in which the minimum wage is to be determined for all employees or for any category of employees in any industry, business, trade or occupation;
fix the minimum wage upon an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or other basis;
fix a maximum number of hours of work for which the minimum wage shall be paid;
fix the minimum wage payable for time worked in excess of the maximum number of hours of work established;
fix a special minimum rate of wages for employees in training or in a learning situation, other than apprentices covered by the
Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification Act, and limit the number of such employees to whom the special rate may be payable by any employer;
specify when and under what conditions deductions may be made from the minimum wage, and what notification the employee should be given thereof prior to employment;
fix the maximum amount, if any, that may be deducted from the minimum wage where the employer furnishes to the employee board, lodging, uniforms, laundry or other services, and prescribe the notification required to be given to the employee prior to employment;
prescribe the periods in respect of which wages shall be paid, whether daily, weekly, monthly or for any other period, and fix the day upon which the wages for any period shall be paid and the manner in which they shall be paid; and
fix a minimum wage applicable only in the part or parts of the Province designated in the regulation.
9(2)A regulation made under subsection (1) may be general or particular in its application.
9(3)Every employer, unless exempted under this Act or the regulations, shall comply with the provisions of a regulation made under subsection (1).
9(4)If a special minimum rate of wages for apprentices fixed in a regulation under the
Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification Act is higher than a minimum wage fixed in a regulation made under subsection (1), the special minimum rate of wage shall apply with respect to those apprentices.
1984, c.42, s.5; 1986, c.32, s.1; 1987, c.27, s.22; 2012, c.19, s.62; 2014, c.70, s.1