Parties before Board
69(1)The Director shall be a party to any matter referred to the Board and is responsible to present a case in support of any decision or order the Director has made.
69(2)In any matter referred to the Board under section 8 or 44.031 or under subsection 67(1), the complainant, the person against whom the order is made or an allegation in a complaint is made, the Director and any other person who, in the opinion of the Board, is interested in or affected by the proceedings has the right to be heard.
69(3)Where a group of persons having the same or substantially the same interest has a complaint pursuant to this Act, one complaint may be made in a representative capacity.
1984, c.42, s.38; 1994, c.52, s.1; 2011, c.48, s.3; 2022, c.33, s.39