accept any fees, gifts, gratuities or other benefit that could reasonably be seen to influence any decision made by them in carrying out their functions as a member or as a senior officer, or
for their personal gain, or for the personal gain of a family associate, make use of their position or of any information that is obtained in their position and is not available to the public.
accept any fees, gifts, gratuities or other benefit that could reasonably be seen to influence any decision made by him or her in the carrying out of his or her functions as a member or as a senior officer, or
for his or her personal gain, or for the personal gain of a family associate, make use of his or her position or of any information that is obtained in his or her position and is not available to the public.
accept any fees, gifts, gratuities or other benefit that could reasonably be seen to influence any decision made by him or her in the carrying out of his or her functions as a member or as a senior officer, or
for his or her personal gain, or for the personal gain of a family associate, make use of his or her position or of any information that is obtained in his or her position and is not available to the public.