Reduced requirements for quorum in case of a vacancy
52(1)If, as a result of a vacancy in council resulting under paragraph 50(1)(a), a quorum cannot be constituted, the Minister may reduce a council’s quorum requirements until the vacancy is filled by a by-election under subsection 51(3).
52(2)If, after the Municipal Electoral Officer has given two Notices of Election for a by-election, there are still insufficient members for a quorum to be constituted, the reduction in quorum requirements under subsection (1) shall remain in place until the next general election.
Reduced requirements for quorum in case of a vacancy
52(1)If, as a result of a vacancy in council resulting under paragraph 50(1)(a), a quorum cannot be constituted, the Minister may reduce a council’s quorum requirements until the vacancy is filled by a by-election under subsection 51(3).
52(2)If, after the Municipal Electoral Officer has given two Notices of Election for a by-election, there are still insufficient members for a quorum to be constituted, the reduction in quorum requirements under subsection (1) shall remain in place until the next general election.