Acts and Regulations

2014, c.115 - Kings Landing Corporation Act

Full text
General manager and employees
7(1)The Board shall appoint a general manager who shall be responsible to the Board for the management and administration of the Corporation.
7(2)The Board shall fix the salary of the general manager within the pay plan applicable to a person employed in the portion of the public service of the Province specified in Part 1 of the First Schedule under the Public Service Labour Relations Act.
7(3)On the recommendation of the general manager, the Board may engage the employees necessary for the work of the Corporation.
7(4)The pension plan converted to a shared risk plan in accordance with An Act Respecting Public Service Pensions applies to the general manager and to the staff of the Corporation.
R.S.1973, c.K-1, s.4; 2006, c.15, s.5; 2013, c.44, s.22