Acts and Regulations

2012, c.6 - Species at Risk Act

Full text
1The following definitions apply in this Act.
“action plan” means an action plan referred to in section 23.(plan d’action)
“conservation officer” means a conservation officer appointed under subsection 7(1) of the Fish and Wildlife Act or an ex officio conservation officer referred to in subsection 7(3) of that Act. (agent de conservation)
“COSEWIC” means the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada established under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(COSEPAC)
“COSSAR” means the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk established under section 8.(COSEP)
“endangered species” means a wildlife species that is facing imminent extirpation from the Province or extinction.(espèce en voie de disparition)
“extirpated species” means a wildlife species that no longer exists in the wild in the Province, but exists elsewhere in the wild.(espèce disparue)
“habitat” means an area, site or structure that provides conditions suitable for an individual of a wildlife species to carry out any of its life processes, including breeding, nesting, denning, spawning, rearing, staging, migrating, wintering, feeding or hibernating.(habitat)
“individual” means an individual of a wildlife species, whether living or dead and whether or not the individual is bred or reared in captivity, at any developmental stage, and includes larvae, embryos, eggs, sperm, seeds, pollen, spores and asexual propagules.(individu)
“IUCN” means the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, an international organization with headquarters at Gland, Switzerland.(UICN)
“judge” means a judge of the Provincial Court of New Brunswick.(juge)
“land registration office” means a registry office established under the Registry Act or a land titles office established under the Land Titles Act.(bureau d’enregistrement des biens-fonds)
“List” means the List of Species at Risk as set out in the regulations.(Liste)
“listed” means listed on the List, except when the context refers to the List under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(inscrite)
“management plan” means a plan for the conservation of a species of special concern prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 20. (plan de gestion)
“Minister” means the Minister of Natural Resources and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf.(ministre)
“protection assessment” means a protection assessment undertaken under section 25 with respect to a wildlife species listed as an extirpated species, an endangered species or a threatened species.(évaluation de protection)
“protection order” means a written order issued by the Minister under subsection 31(1).(arrêté de protection)
“public registry” means the registry established by the Minister under section 67. (registre public)
“recovery habitat” means habitat that is necessary for the recovery of a wildlife species, but that is not currently or regularly occupied by any individual of that wildlife species.(habitat de rétablissement)
“recovery strategy” means a strategy for the recovery of a wildlife species that is listed as an extirpated species, endangered species or threatened species prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 21.(programme de rétablissement)
“species at risk” means an extirpated species, an endangered species, a threatened species or a species of special concern. (espèce en péril)
“species of special concern” means a wildlife species that may become a threatened species or an endangered species because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats.(espèce préoccupante)
“status report” means a document provided by the Minister under section 16.(rapport de situation)
“stop order” means a written order issued by a conservation officer under subsection 45(1).(ordre de suspension)
“survival habitat” means habitat that is currently or regularly occupied by a wildlife species. (habitat de survie)
“threatened species” means a wildlife species that is likely to become an endangered species if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its extirpation. (espèce menacée)
“vehicle” includes an aircraft, boat, skiff, canoe or vessel. (véhicule)
“wildlife species” means a wild species, subspecies, variety or geographically or genetically distinct population of animal, plant or other organism, other than a bacterium or virus, that (espèce sauvage)
(a) is native to the Province, or
(b) has extended its range into the Province without human intervention and has been present in the Province for at least 50 years.
“Wildlife Trust Fund” means the Wildlife Trust Fund established under New Brunswick Regulation 2002-6 under the Fish and Wildlife Act. (Fonds en fiducie pour la faune)
2016, c.37, s.183; 2019, c.29, s.212; 2024, c.28, s.60
1The following definitions apply in this Act.
“action plan” means an action plan referred to in section 23.(plan d’action)
“conservation officer” means a conservation officer appointed under subsection 7(1) of the Fish and Wildlife Act or an ex officio conservation officer referred to in subsection 7(3) of that Act. (agent de conservation)
“COSEWIC” means the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada established under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(COSEPAC)
“COSSAR” means the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk established under section 8.(COSEP)
“endangered species” means a wildlife species that is facing imminent extirpation from the Province or extinction.(espèce en voie de disparition)
“extirpated species” means a wildlife species that no longer exists in the wild in the Province, but exists elsewhere in the wild.(espèce disparue)
“habitat” means an area, site or structure that provides conditions suitable for an individual of a wildlife species to carry out any of its life processes, including breeding, nesting, denning, spawning, rearing, staging, migrating, wintering, feeding or hibernating.(habitat)
“individual” means an individual of a wildlife species, whether living or dead and whether or not the individual is bred or reared in captivity, at any developmental stage, and includes larvae, embryos, eggs, sperm, seeds, pollen, spores and asexual propagules.(individu)
“IUCN” means the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, an international organization with headquarters at Gland, Switzerland.(UICN)
“judge” means a judge of the Provincial Court of New Brunswick.(juge)
“land registration office” means a registry office established under the Registry Act or a land titles office established under the Land Titles Act.(bureau d’enregistrement des biens-fonds)
“List” means the List of Species at Risk as set out in the regulations.(Liste)
“listed” means listed on the List, except when the context refers to the List under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(inscrite)
“management plan” means a plan for the conservation of a species of special concern prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 20. (plan de gestion)
“Minister” means the Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf.(ministre)
“protection assessment” means a protection assessment undertaken under section 25 with respect to a wildlife species listed as an extirpated species, an endangered species or a threatened species.(évaluation de protection)
“protection order” means a written order issued by the Minister under subsection 31(1).(arrêté de protection)
“public registry” means the registry established by the Minister under section 67. (registre public)
“recovery habitat” means habitat that is necessary for the recovery of a wildlife species, but that is not currently or regularly occupied by any individual of that wildlife species.(habitat de rétablissement)
“recovery strategy” means a strategy for the recovery of a wildlife species that is listed as an extirpated species, endangered species or threatened species prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 21.(programme de rétablissement)
“species at risk” means an extirpated species, an endangered species, a threatened species or a species of special concern. (espèce en péril)
“species of special concern” means a wildlife species that may become a threatened species or an endangered species because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats.(espèce préoccupante)
“status report” means a document provided by the Minister under section 16.(rapport de situation)
“stop order” means a written order issued by a conservation officer under subsection 45(1).(ordre de suspension)
“survival habitat” means habitat that is currently or regularly occupied by a wildlife species. (habitat de survie)
“threatened species” means a wildlife species that is likely to become an endangered species if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its extirpation. (espèce menacée)
“vehicle” includes an aircraft, boat, skiff, canoe or vessel. (véhicule)
“wildlife species” means a wild species, subspecies, variety or geographically or genetically distinct population of animal, plant or other organism, other than a bacterium or virus, that (espèce sauvage)
(a) is native to the Province, or
(b) has extended its range into the Province without human intervention and has been present in the Province for at least 50 years.
“Wildlife Trust Fund” means the Wildlife Trust Fund established under New Brunswick Regulation 2002-6 under the Fish and Wildlife Act. (Fonds en fiducie pour la faune)
2016, c.37, s.183; 2019, c.29, s.212
1The following definitions apply in this Act.
“action plan” means an action plan referred to in section 23.(plan d’action)
“conservation officer” means a conservation officer appointed under subsection 7(1) of the Fish and Wildlife Act or an ex officio conservation officer referred to in subsection 7(3) of that Act. (agent de conservation)
“COSEWIC” means the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada established under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(COSEPAC)
“COSSAR” means the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk established under section 8.(COSEP)
“endangered species” means a wildlife species that is facing imminent extirpation from the Province or extinction.(espèce en voie de disparition)
“extirpated species” means a wildlife species that no longer exists in the wild in the Province, but exists elsewhere in the wild.(espèce disparue)
“habitat” means an area, site or structure that provides conditions suitable for an individual of a wildlife species to carry out any of its life processes, including breeding, nesting, denning, spawning, rearing, staging, migrating, wintering, feeding or hibernating.(habitat)
“individual” means an individual of a wildlife species, whether living or dead and whether or not the individual is bred or reared in captivity, at any developmental stage, and includes larvae, embryos, eggs, sperm, seeds, pollen, spores and asexual propagules.(individu)
“IUCN” means the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, an international organization with headquarters at Gland, Switzerland.(UICN)
“judge” means a judge of the Provincial Court of New Brunswick.(juge)
“land registration office” means a registry office established under the Registry Act or a land titles office established under the Land Titles Act.(bureau d’enregistrement des biens-fonds)
“List” means the List of Species at Risk as set out in the regulations.(Liste)
“listed” means listed on the List, except when the context refers to the List under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(inscrite)
“management plan” means a plan for the conservation of a species of special concern prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 20. (plan de gestion)
“Minister” means the Minister of Energy and Resource Development and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf.(ministre)
“protection assessment” means a protection assessment undertaken under section 25 with respect to a wildlife species listed as an extirpated species, an endangered species or a threatened species.(évaluation de protection)
“protection order” means a written order issued by the Minister under subsection 31(1).(arrêté de protection)
“public registry” means the registry established by the Minister under section 67. (registre public)
“recovery habitat” means habitat that is necessary for the recovery of a wildlife species, but that is not currently or regularly occupied by any individual of that wildlife species.(habitat de rétablissement)
“recovery strategy” means a strategy for the recovery of a wildlife species that is listed as an extirpated species, endangered species or threatened species prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 21.(programme de rétablissement)
“species at risk” means an extirpated species, an endangered species, a threatened species or a species of special concern. (espèce en péril)
“species of special concern” means a wildlife species that may become a threatened species or an endangered species because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats.(espèce préoccupante)
“status report” means a document provided by the Minister under section 16.(rapport de situation)
“stop order” means a written order issued by a conservation officer under subsection 45(1).(ordre de suspension)
“survival habitat” means habitat that is currently or regularly occupied by a wildlife species. (habitat de survie)
“threatened species” means a wildlife species that is likely to become an endangered species if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its extirpation. (espèce menacée)
“vehicle” includes an aircraft, boat, skiff, canoe or vessel. (véhicule)
“wildlife species” means a wild species, subspecies, variety or geographically or genetically distinct population of animal, plant or other organism, other than a bacterium or virus, that (espèce sauvage)
(a) is native to the Province, or
(b) has extended its range into the Province without human intervention and has been present in the Province for at least 50 years.
“Wildlife Trust Fund” means the Wildlife Trust Fund established under New Brunswick Regulation 2002-6 under the Fish and Wildlife Act. (Fonds en fiducie pour la faune)
2016, c.37, s.183
1The following definitions apply in this Act.
“action plan” means an action plan referred to in section 23.(plan d’action)
“conservation officer” means a conservation officer appointed under subsection 7(1) of the Fish and Wildlife Act or an ex officio conservation officer referred to in subsection 7(3) of that Act. (agent de conservation)
“COSEWIC” means the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada established under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(COSEPAC)
“COSSAR” means the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk established under section 8.(COSEP)
“endangered species” means a wildlife species that is facing imminent extirpation from the Province or extinction.(espèce en voie de disparition)
“extirpated species” means a wildlife species that no longer exists in the wild in the Province, but exists elsewhere in the wild.(espèce disparue)
“habitat” means an area, site or structure that provides conditions suitable for an individual of a wildlife species to carry out any of its life processes, including breeding, nesting, denning, spawning, rearing, staging, migrating, wintering, feeding or hibernating.(habitat)
“individual” means an individual of a wildlife species, whether living or dead and whether or not the individual is bred or reared in captivity, at any developmental stage, and includes larvae, embryos, eggs, sperm, seeds, pollen, spores and asexual propagules.(individu)
“IUCN” means the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, an international organization with headquarters at Gland, Switzerland.(UICN)
“judge” means a judge of the Provincial Court of New Brunswick.(juge)
“land registration office” means a registry office established under the Registry Act or a land titles office established under the Land Titles Act.(bureau d’enregistrement des biens-fonds)
“List” means the List of Species at Risk as set out in the regulations.(Liste)
“listed” means listed on the List, except when the context refers to the List under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(inscrite)
“management plan” means a plan for the conservation of a species of special concern prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 20. (plan de gestion)
“Minister” means the Minister of Natural Resources and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf.(ministre)
“protection assessment” means a protection assessment undertaken under section 25 with respect to a wildlife species listed as an extirpated species, an endangered species or a threatened species.(évaluation de protection)
“protection order” means a written order issued by the Minister under subsection 31(1).(arrêté de protection)
“public registry” means the registry established by the Minister under section 67. (registre public)
“recovery habitat” means habitat that is necessary for the recovery of a wildlife species, but that is not currently or regularly occupied by any individual of that wildlife species.(habitat de rétablissement)
“recovery strategy” means a strategy for the recovery of a wildlife species that is listed as an extirpated species, endangered species or threatened species prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 21.(programme de rétablissement)
“species at risk” means an extirpated species, an endangered species, a threatened species or a species of special concern. (espèce en péril)
“species of special concern” means a wildlife species that may become a threatened species or an endangered species because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats.(espèce préoccupante)
“status report” means a document provided by the Minister under section 16.(rapport de situation)
“stop order” means a written order issued by a conservation officer under subsection 45(1).(ordre de suspension)
“survival habitat” means habitat that is currently or regularly occupied by a wildlife species. (habitat de survie)
“threatened species” means a wildlife species that is likely to become an endangered species if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its extirpation. (espèce menacée)
“vehicle” includes an aircraft, boat, skiff, canoe or vessel. (véhicule)
“wildlife species” means a wild species, subspecies, variety or geographically or genetically distinct population of animal, plant or other organism, other than a bacterium or virus, that (espèce sauvage)
(a) is native to the Province, or
(b) has extended its range into the Province without human intervention and has been present in the Province for at least 50 years.
“Wildlife Trust Fund” means the Wildlife Trust Fund established under New Brunswick Regulation 2002-6 under the Fish and Wildlife Act. (Fonds en fiducie pour la faune)
1The following definitions apply in this Act.
“action plan” means an action plan referred to in section 23.(plan d’action)
“conservation officer” means a conservation officer appointed under subsection 7(1) of the Fish and Wildlife Act or an ex officio conservation officer referred to in subsection 7(3) of that Act. (agent de conservation)
“COSEWIC” means the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada established under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(COSEPAC)
“COSSAR” means the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk established under section 8.(COSEP)
“endangered species” means a wildlife species that is facing imminent extirpation from the Province or extinction.(espèce en voie de disparition)
“extirpated species” means a wildlife species that no longer exists in the wild in the Province, but exists elsewhere in the wild.(espèce disparue)
“habitat” means an area, site or structure that provides conditions suitable for an individual of a wildlife species to carry out any of its life processes, including breeding, nesting, denning, spawning, rearing, staging, migrating, wintering, feeding or hibernating.(habitat)
“individual” means an individual of a wildlife species, whether living or dead and whether or not the individual is bred or reared in captivity, at any developmental stage, and includes larvae, embryos, eggs, sperm, seeds, pollen, spores and asexual propagules.(individu)
“IUCN” means the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, an international organization with headquarters at Gland, Switzerland.(UICN)
“judge” means a judge of the Provincial Court of New Brunswick.(juge)
“land registration office” means a registry office established under the Registry Act or a land titles office established under the Land Titles Act.(bureau d’enregistrement des biens-fonds)
“List” means the List of Species at Risk as set out in the regulations.(Liste)
“listed” means listed on the List, except when the context refers to the List under the Species at Risk Act (Canada).(inscrite)
“management plan” means a plan for the conservation of a species of special concern prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 20. (plan de gestion)
“Minister” means the Minister of Natural Resources and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf.(ministre)
“protection assessment” means a protection assessment undertaken under section 25 with respect to a wildlife species listed as an extirpated species, an endangered species or a threatened species.(évaluation de protection)
“protection order” means a written order issued by the Minister under subsection 31(1).(arrêté de protection)
“public registry” means the registry established by the Minister under section 67. (registre public)
“recovery habitat” means habitat that is necessary for the recovery of a wildlife species, but that is not currently or regularly occupied by any individual of that wildlife species.(habitat de rétablissement)
“recovery strategy” means a strategy for the recovery of a wildlife species that is listed as an extirpated species, endangered species or threatened species prepared or adopted by the Minister under section 21.(programme de rétablissement)
“species at risk” means an extirpated species, an endangered species, a threatened species or a species of special concern. (espèce en péril)
“species of special concern” means a wildlife species that may become a threatened species or an endangered species because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats.(espèce préoccupante)
“status report” means a document provided by the Minister under section 16.(rapport de situation)
“stop order” means a written order issued by a conservation officer under subsection 45(1).(ordre de suspension)
“survival habitat” means habitat that is currently or regularly occupied by a wildlife species. (habitat de survie)
“threatened species” means a wildlife species that is likely to become an endangered species if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its extirpation. (espèce menacée)
“vehicle” includes an aircraft, boat, skiff, canoe or vessel. (véhicule)
“wildlife species” means a wild species, subspecies, variety or geographically or genetically distinct population of animal, plant or other organism, other than a bacterium or virus, that (espèce sauvage)
(a) is native to the Province, or
(b) has extended its range into the Province without human intervention and has been present in the Province for at least 50 years.
“Wildlife Trust Fund” means the Wildlife Trust Fund established under New Brunswick Regulation 2002-6 under the Fish and Wildlife Act. (Fonds en fiducie pour la faune)