18On the winding-up of the Foundation, its assets shall be applied as follows:
firstly, to pay the costs of winding-up;
secondly, to pay the liabilities of the Foundation;
thirdly, with respect to any remaining assets that were gifts received by the Foundation in relation to a particular public library, by transferring those assets with any accrued income to the Public Library Board; and
fourthly, by transferring any remaining property to the Crown.
18On the winding-up of the Foundation, its assets shall be applied as follows:
firstly, to pay the costs of winding-up;
secondly, to pay the liabilities of the Foundation;
thirdly, with respect to any remaining assets that were gifts received by the Foundation in relation to a particular public library, by transferring those assets with any accrued income to the Public Library Board; and
fourthly, by transferring any remaining property to the Crown.