Acts and Regulations

2019-46 - Development Charge

Full text
Principles and criteria when determining the method for the calculation of a development charge
6(1)A council of a local government may determine the method for the calculation of a development charge, provided that the method
(a) takes into account
(i) the area and intended use of the land,
(ii) the density of the development and of the area in the vicinity of the development,
(iii) the number of lots and the size of the lots,
(iv) the types of zoning,
(v) the class of development, and
(vi) any future land use patterns,
(b) recognizes variations among infrastructure types,
(c) is consistent across the local government, and
(d) is clear and transparent.
6(2)When determining the method for the calculation of a development charge, a council of a local government shall, at a minimum, consider and include or reference in the development charge by-law,
(a) supporting technical data and analysis, and
(b) with respect to the land that is to be developed or subdivided, an estimate of the total of the capital cost related to the land, facilities or other infrastructure referred to in paragraphs 91(2)(a) to (h) of the Act.