Acts and Regulations

2010-23 - Uniform Contributory Pension Plan

Full text
Election of Board representatives
15(1)The election of representatives to sit on the Board shall be carried out in the following manner:
(a) the first call for nominations for an employee representative and an employer representative shall only include nominations of representatives who represent participating bodies which are villages, and the election of these representatives shall be held immediately after their nominations have closed;
(b) the second call for nominations for an employer representative and an employee representative shall only include nominations of representatives who represent participating bodies which are towns, and the election of these representatives shall be held immediately after their nominations have closed;
(c) the third call for nominations for an employer representative and an employee representative shall only include nominations of representatives who represent participating bodies which are towns, villages or bodies other than municipalities, unless any of the participating bodies is a city or a rural community, in which case nominations shall only include nominations of representatives who represent participating bodies which are cities or rural communities, and the election of these representatives shall be held immediately after their nominations have closed; and
(d) if insufficient representatives have been elected to satisfy the requirements of subsection 16(3), a fourth call for nominations shall be held for an employer representative or an employee representative, as the case may be, which shall include nominations of representatives from any participating body, and the election of this representative shall be held immediately after the nominations have closed.
15(2)No representative shall be elected to the Board unless he or she receives a majority of the votes cast by the appointed representatives attending the meeting.