Acts and Regulations

2005-18 - Not-For-Profit, Low Rental Housing Accommodation

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3A not-for-profit housing organization must meet the following criteria for the purposes of subsection 4.1(6) of the Act:
(a) the organization is a not-for-profit company incorporated under the Companies Act or a not-for-profit cooperative incorporated or continued under the Cooperatives Act;
(b) the organization provides housing accommodation, including rent-to-own housing accommodation, to low-income individuals and families at a rent that is below the market rent for the area in which the real property is located;
(c) the organization carries on its business without the purpose of gain for its members;
(d) any profits of the organization or accretions to the value of the property of the organization are used in promoting the organization’s objects;
(e) no part of the organization’s income is payable to or otherwise available for the personal benefit of any of its members;
(f) the directors serve as directors and officers without any remuneration except reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties;
(g) the directors and officers do not receive directly or indirectly any profit from their position as director or officer;
(h) on dissolution of the organization and after payment of all its debts due and liabilities, its remaining property shall be distributed or disposed of to non-profit housing organizations that have objects the same as or similar to the objects of the organization and carry on their work in New Brunswick; and
(i) on dissolution of the organization, no part of its property is to be available to its members.
2015-66; 2019, c.24, s.181
3A not-for-profit housing organization must meet the following criteria for the purposes of subsection 4.1(6) of the Act:
(a) the organization is a not-for-profit company incorporated under the Companies Act or a not-for-profit co-operative association incorporated under the Co-operative Associations Act;
(b) the organization provides housing accommodation, including rent-to-own housing accommodation, to low-income individuals and families at a rent that is below the market rent for the area in which the real property is located;
(c) the organization carries on its business without the purpose of gain for its members;
(d) any profits of the organization or accretions to the value of the property of the organization are used in promoting the organization’s objects;
(e) no part of the organization’s income is payable to or otherwise available for the personal benefit of any of its members;
(f) the directors serve as directors and officers without any remuneration except reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties;
(g) the directors and officers do not receive directly or indirectly any profit from their position as director or officer;
(h) on dissolution of the organization and after payment of all its debts due and liabilities, its remaining property shall be distributed or disposed of to non-profit housing organizations that have objects the same as or similar to the objects of the organization and carry on their work in New Brunswick; and
(i) on dissolution of the organization, no part of its property is to be available to its members.
3A not-for-profit housing organization must meet the following criteria for the purposes of subsection 4.1(6) of the Act:
(a) the organization is a not-for-profit company incorporated under the Companies Act or a not-for-profit co-operative association incorporated under the Co-operative Associations Act;
(b) the primary purpose of the organization is to provide housing accommodation to low-income individuals and families at a rent that is below the market rent for the area in which the real property is located;
(c) the organization carries on its business without the purpose of gain for its members;
(d) any profits of the organization or accretions to the value of the property of the organization are used in promoting the organization’s objects;
(e) no part of the organization’s income is payable to or otherwise available for the personal benefit of any of its members;
(f) the directors serve as directors and officers without any remuneration except reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties;
(g) the directors and officers do not receive directly or indirectly any profit from their position as director or officer;
(h) on dissolution of the organization and after payment of all its debts due and liabilities, its remaining property is to be distributed or disposed of to registered charities that are recognized by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, have objects the same as or similar to the objects of the organization and carry on their work solely in Canada; and
(i) on dissolution of the organization, no part of its property is to be available to its members.
3A not-for-profit housing organization must meet the following criteria for the purposes of subsection 4.1(6) of the Act:
(a) the organization is a not-for-profit company incorporated under the Companies Act or a not-for-profit co-operative association incorporated under the Co-operative Associations Act;
(b) the primary purpose of the organization is to provide housing accommodation to low-income individuals and families at a rent that is below the market rent for the area in which the real property is located;
(c) the organization carries on its business without the purpose of gain for its members;
(d) any profits of the organization or accretions to the value of the property of the organization are used in promoting the organization’s objects;
(e) no part of the organization’s income is payable to or otherwise available for the personal benefit of any of its members;
(f) the directors serve as directors and officers without any remuneration except reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties;
(g) the directors and officers do not receive directly or indirectly any profit from their position as director or officer;
(h) on dissolution of the organization and after payment of all its debts due and liabilities, its remaining property is to be distributed or disposed of to registered charities that are recognized by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, have objects the same as or similar to the objects of the organization and carry on their work solely in Canada; and
(i) on dissolution of the organization, no part of its property is to be available to its members.