Acts and Regulations

W-10 - Winding-up Act

Full text
Current to 1 January 2024
Winding-up Act
1In this Act
“company” means any corporation, whether joint stock or otherwise, incorporated by the Legislature or under the authority of any statute thereof;(compagnie)
“contributory” means a person liable to contribute to the assets of a company in the event of the company being wound up, and includes a creditor or stockholder of the company; and in all proceedings, prior to the final determination of such persons, includes any person alleged to be a contributory;(contributeur)
“Court” means The Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick; but any act hereinafter authorized to be done by the Court, and any power or authority hereinafter conferred on the Court, may be done or exercised by any judge thereof, except in the case of acts or authorities to be done or exercised upon, or after appeal from, the decision or judgment of a judge;(Cour)
“Minister” means the member of the Executive Council designated by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council as being responsible for Service New Brunswick;(Ministre)
“Registrar” means the Registrar of The Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick.(registraire)
R.S., c.252, s.1; 1979, c.41, s.129; 2002, c.29, s.16; 2016, c.37, s.197; 2023, c.17, s.281; 2024, c.28, s.64
2002, c.29, s.16
Application of Act
2(1)Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2), this Act applies to all companies heretofore or hereafter incorporated by the Legislature or under the authority of any statute of this Province, and whose incorporation and affairs in the particulars hereinafter mentioned are subject to the legislative authority of this Province.
2(2)This Act does not apply to railway companies nor to any company whose Act of incorporation, or any Act in amendment thereof, contains express provisions for the mode of winding up the company.
R.S., c.252, s.2
2.1Service New Brunswick is responsible for the administration of this Act.
2002, c.29, s.16
Power of Court to wind up company
3A company may be wound up under this Act by the Court
(a) when the company at a special meeting of shareholders or members called for the purpose has passed a resolution requiring the company to be wound up,
(b) when the company has forfeited its charter by non-user or otherwise, or suspended its business for the space of a whole year, or has become dissolved by efflux of time,
(c) when the event if any has occurred, upon the occurrence of which it is provided by the Act, charter or instrument of incorporation of the company that the company is to be dissolved,
(d) when the capital stock of the company is impaired to the extent of twenty-five per cent thereof, or twenty-five per cent of the capital stock has become lost or unavailable, though the company is solvent within the meaning of any Act of the Parliament of Canada providing for the winding-up of companies on the ground of insolvency,
(e) when the company, to such an extent as to prejudice the interests of shareholders, members or creditors, has failed to comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, or has committed fraudulent acts in the management of its affairs, or has been negligently mismanaged,
(f) when the Court is of opinion that for any other reason it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up.
R.S., c.252, s.3; 2002, c.16, s.1
4Upon the hearing of a petition for the winding-up of a company under this Act, the burden of proving that the company is not liable to be wound up in respect of any of the matters mentioned in paragraph 3(e) is upon the company.
R.S., c.252, s.4
Service of notice, order, rule or writ
5Service of any notice, order, rule or writ, in or incident to or preliminary to any proceeding under this Act against or in respect of any company, may be made upon the company by leaving a copy thereof at the head office of the company, with any adult person in the employ thereof, or there or elsewhere with the president or secretary of the company; and if the company has no known head office in the Province, or is without any known president or secretary, then upon a statement to that effect being made under oath to the Court, the Court shall order that the notice, order, rule or writ, or the substance thereof, shall be published once in The Royal Gazette, which publication shall be held to be due notice thereof.
R.S., c.252, s.5; 1983, c.7, s.20; 2002, c.16, s.2
Application for winding-up by petition
6(1)An application for the winding-up of a company shall be by petition to the Court, and shall be verified by affidavit or other sufficient evidence, which petition may be made by or on behalf of any contributory, creditor, member or stockholder or by the Minister.
6(1.1)With leave of the Court, an application under subsection (1) for the winding-up of a company may be made by any other person who, in the discretion of the Court, is an interested person.
6(2)The Minister has the right to intervene in any application under this Act.
R.S., c.252, s.6; 1967, c.38, s.2; 2002, c.16, s.3; 2002, c.29, s.16
Notice of petition
7(1)Notice of the petition and of the day on which the petition is to be presented for hearing before the Court shall be served, with a copy of the petition and affidavit of verification, upon the company at least ten days before the presentation, and shall also be given by publishing an advertisement once in The Royal Gazette and inserting an advertisement twice in a newspaper published in the county in which the head office of the company is situated, and where no newspaper is published in such county then in a newspaper published in the Province and having general circulation in such county.
7(2)The Court may, at the hearing of the petition, direct the petition to be stood over, and order such further notice to be given as the Court deems suitable.
7(3)The Court, in its discretion, may proceed upon the production of a copy of The Royal Gazette with the notice published in accordance with subsection (1), if no better service, after due diligence, can in the opinion of the Court be effected within reasonable time.
R.S., c.252, s.7; 1983, c.7, s.20; 2005, c.Q-3.5, s.22
Appointment of interim curator
8(1)At any time after service of notice of the petition on the company, a petitioner may make application ex parte to the Court to appoint an interim curator, and the Court may make the appointment if satisfied that good reason exists for so doing.
8(2)The interim curator may, under the direction of the Court, summarily dispose of any perishable goods and carry on the business of the company for all conservatory purposes.
R.S., c.252, s.8
Court order winding up company
9Upon the hearing of a petition for the winding-up of a company, the Court may make an order for the winding-up of the company, which order shall forthwith be published in The Royal Gazette, and shall fix a day for the appointment of a liquidator of the company, and shall require the creditors and members of the company to appear before the Court on that day to give their advice as to the appointment.
R.S., c.252, s.9; 1967, c.38, s.2; 2002, c.16, s.4
Appointment of liquidator by Court
10(1)The Court shall on the day fixed for the appointment of a liquidator, after hearing any suggestion made by any creditor or contributory or the Minister, but without being bound by any such suggestion, nominate and appoint a liquidator of the company, and in the event of the liquidator neglecting to put in security as hereinafter provided, or refusing to accept the appointment, or afterwards becoming incompetent to perform the duties thereof by reason of death, absence from the jurisdiction, removal by the Court or other cause, another appointment of a liquidator may be made in the same manner as the first appointment.
10(2)Where there is no liquidator in whom the property of the company is vested, the property shall be deemed to be in the custody of the Court.
R.S., c.252, s.10; 2002, c.16, s.5; 2002, c.29, s.16
Powers of liquidator
11The liquidator shall give such security for the due performance of his duties as the Court determines, and may be called upon by the Court from time to time to substitute and give, and he shall thereupon give, fresh or additional security; and upon the completion of such security is vested, in his capacity of liquidator, with all money and securities for money, documents, papers, books of account, estate, effects and assets of the company generally, and has power thereupon as liquidator to take possession thereof, and in his capacity to institute and maintain any kind of action, attachment or proceeding for obtaining and maintaining possession of such estate and effects, and of every part and portion thereof, that could be instituted or maintained by him if he were the absolute and unconditional proprietor thereof.
R.S., c.252, s.11
Evidence of appointment of liquidator
12A copy of the order appointing the liquidator, authenticated by the seal of the Court, is prima facie evidence of the appointment and of the security having been given.
R.S., c.252, s.12
Payment of dividends
13(1)The liquidator shall give twelve weeks notice of his appointment, and of the order for winding up, in The Royal Gazette and shall in the notice call upon all persons owing the company to pay up, and all creditors to file with him their claims against the company, verified by oath in the form prescribed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, within three months from the first publication of the notice; and the dividends, from time to time to be ordered, shall be paid to those creditors whose accounts have been filed at the time mentioned in the notice; other creditors may file their claims, but are entitled only to the dividends thereafter ordered, unless on the final distribution there are sufficient assets to pay all the liabilities and the expenses of winding up the affairs of the company.
13(2)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may prescribe the form of oath required under subsection (1).
R.S., c.252, s.13; 1973, c.74, s.79
Effect of appointment of liquidator
14(1)After the appointment of the liquidator, no suit or other proceeding against the company shall be proceeded with, unless the Court, on application to that effect by the plaintiff and after notice to the liquidator, authorizes the plaintiff to proceed with the suit, and the order may be subject to such provisions as to future costs as the Court thinks fit to make.
14(2)Upon the appointment of a liquidator, the powers of the directors cease, and no member or officer of the company shall dispose of any of the property or assets of the company, and no subsequent transfer of any share or interest in the company is valid.
R.S., c.252, s.14
Liability of shareholder or contributory
15No transfer of a share or claim in a company made by any shareholder or contributory within three months next before the application upon which an order for winding up the company is granted, relieves any shareholder or contributory from liability to the company or its liquidator for all calls that may be made by order of the Court for unpaid stock or for which, by virtue of the charter or Act of incorporation, he would have been liable had he not transferred the same.
R.S., c.252, s.15
Order respecting call of unpaid stock
16The Court, upon application by the liquidator, may order such calls to be made, by a percentage paid to the liquidator on all unpaid stock in the company, as appear to be necessary towards paying the liabilities of the company, and the expenses of winding up its affairs, and notice of the calls shall be advertised in The Royal Gazette.
R.S., c.252, s.16
Failure of shareholder to honor call for shares
17When the Court makes an order for a call upon stockholders or contributories against unpaid stock, the liquidator may sue any stockholder or contributory in an action of debt in his own name for the amount of the call before any Court having jurisdiction to the amount of the call, and proof of the amount of the shareholder’s or contributory’s stock and the order of the Court, or a copy thereof under the hand of the Registrar or of any judge of the Court, is prima facie evidence of the debt, and the liquidator shall have judgment and execution for the amount and costs, in the same manner in all respects as for a debt due to himself personally, but for the benefit of the estate.
R.S., c.252, s.17
Settlement of corporate financial affairs by liquidator
18(1)The liquidator shall, as soon as possible without unreasonable sacrifice thereof, convert the movable assets into money, and collect the outstanding debts and unpaid stock subscriptions due to the company, and for that purpose may sue or be sued in his own name as liquidator, and may sell all personal or movable property of the company in the manner he deems most advantageous, and subject to an order of the Court to be obtained in that behalf, may refer debts or claims to arbitration or compound or compromise the same.
18(2)The liquidator shall, when so ordered by the Court, sell the immovable property of the company after the publication, notices, and expiration of time that the Court appoints in the order.
18(3)A sale under subsection (2) has the same effect as if made by the company and conveys the same title as the company could convey, and no other title may be conveyed by any deed signed and sealed by the liquidator or by any vesting order made by the Court.
R.S., c.252, s.18
Duty of Court to settle list of contributories
19As soon as may be after the appointment of a liquidator, the Court shall settle a list of contributories.
R.S., c.252, s.19
Statement and special return of liquidator
20The liquidator shall file semi-annually with the Registrar a statement of the assets in his hands, and of the claims filed with him, verified by affidavit; and if at any time between the periods of filing he has sufficient assets to pay ten per cent on the claims filed, he shall make a special return thereof so verified, to the end that the Court may order a dividend to be paid to the creditors.
R.S., c.252, s.20
Order of court respecting dividend to creditors
21When the amount of money realized from the assets of the company appears to the Court to warrant a dividend thereof, the Court shall make an order for such dividend as the money so realized will warrant, which shall immediately thereafter be notified by the liquidator in a local newspaper if any, and if not then in The Royal Gazette, and shall be paid to the creditors.
R.S., c.252, s.21
Liability of liquidator, security for costs
22(1)The liquidator is an officer of the Court subject to the summary order and rule of the Court as to all matters, things and duties confided to and imposed upon him by this Act and his accounts are subject to contest, the performance of his duties to be enforced, and his acts in his said capacity to be restrained and regulated in every respect on summary application by petition or motion to the Court, and he is liable to attachment or removal by the Court for misconduct, or for want of sufficient security.
22(2)When the bringing or defending of a suit, or the doing of any act in the winding-up of the company is or may be attended with more costs than the liquidator thinks it expedient to lay out or risk, and an application is made to compel him to bring or defend the suit or to do the act, the Court may order the liquidator to bring or defend the suit or to do the act, as the case may be, but on the condition only that the applicant gives good and sufficient security to that liquidator for the payment to him of any costs that may be incurred by him through obedience to the order.
R.S., c.252, s.22
Distribution of surplus on winding-up of company
23If there is any surplus of funds realized from the assets of the company, after payment to all the creditors thereof in full, the surplus shall first be devoted to the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves, and afterwards shall be distributed pro rata among the contributories.
R.S., c.252, s.23
Order of Court respecting call on contributory
24The Court may make calls on any of the contributories to the extent of their respective liabilities, for payment of all or any of the sums for which they are liable, and in the proportion in which the contributories are so liable, and to the amount thereof that the Court deems necessary to satisfy the debts of the company, and the costs, charges and expenses of winding it up, and the Court may, in making the calls, take into consideration the probability of some assets not then collected being realized, and some liabilities not then ascertained becoming debts.
R.S., c.252, s.24
Right of contributory to set off
25No contributory to a company in process of being wound up under this Act is entitled to set off any claim he may have against the company by way of set-off to the unpaid balances of stock held by him in the company, unless the set-off was allowed and credited to him on the books of the company on account of the unpaid balance before the application for the order to wind up the company and by express order of the directors or managers thereof.
R.S., c.252, s.25
Remuneration of liquidator
26The liquidator shall be paid such salary or remuneration, by way of percentage or otherwise, as the Court directs.
R.S., c.252, s.26
Order for dissolution
27When the affairs of the company have been completely wound up, the Court shall make an order declaring the company to be dissolved from the date of the order, and thereupon the company shall be dissolved accordingly.
R.S., c.252, s.27
Rules of Court and table of fees
28The Court, as often as circumstances require, may make such rules concerning the mode of proceeding to be pursued for winding up a company, and may establish a table of fees, applicable to all proceedings under this Act, as from time to time appear meet and necessary; and until the rules and the table of fees are made, it is competent to the Court to make any order it deems just that is not inconsistent with this Act for winding up any company, and for the proceedings necessary therefor under this Act, and any power or direction contained in any such order shall be deemed to have been fully authorized by this Act.
R.S., c.252, s.28
Priorities among classes of creditors
29Nothing contained in this Act affects any existing privilege or priority of one creditor or class of creditors over another, nor shall be construed to operate any change in the liabilities of parties.
R.S., c.252, s.29
30Any proceeding before a Judge under this Act is subject to appeal to the Court of Appeal.
R.S., c.252, s.30
N.B. This Act is consolidated to December 13, 2024.