1In this Act
“company” means any corporation, whether joint stock or otherwise, incorporated by the Legislature or under the authority of any statute thereof;(compagnie)
“contributory” means a person liable to contribute to the assets of a company in the event of the company being wound up, and includes a creditor or stockholder of the company; and in all proceedings, prior to the final determination of such persons, includes any person alleged to be a contributory;(contributeur)
“Court” means The Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick; but any act hereinafter authorized to be done by the Court, and any power or authority hereinafter conferred on the Court, may be done or exercised by any judge thereof, except in the case of acts or authorities to be done or exercised upon, or after appeal from, the decision or judgment of a judge;(Cour)
“Minister” means the member of the Executive Council designated by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council as being responsible for Service New Brunswick;(Ministre)
“Registrar” means the Registrar of The Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick.(registraire)
R.S., c.252, s.1; 1979, c.41, s.129; 2002, c.29, s.16; 2016, c.37, s.197; 2023, c.17, s.281; 2024, c.28, s.64