1In this Act
“access road” means an access road designated under paragraph 17(2)(a); (chemin d’accès)
“Crown” means the Crown in right of the Province; (Couronne)
“Crown Lands” means all or any part of the lands vested in the Crown that are under the administration and control of the Minister and includes any water upon or under the surface of such lands; (terres de la Couronne)
“emergency service provider” means
(fournisseur de services d’urgence)
a fire department organized to serve any area of the Province,
an ambulance service provided in accordance with the
Ambulance Services Act,
a search and rescue organization,
any member of the Canadian Forces while engaged in rendering assistance to a lawfully constituted civilian police force, or
such other person or service as is prescribed by regulation;
“endangered species” means endangered species as defined in the Species at Risk Act;(espèce en voie de disparition)
“enforcement officer” means
(agent d’exécution de la loi)
Repealed: 2013, c.39, s.17
a conservation officer appointed under the
Crown Lands and Forests Act or the
Fish and Wildlife Act,
a fishery officer appointed under the
Fisheries Act (Canada),
a game officer under the
Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Canada),
a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or
a police officer as defined in the
Police Act;
“forest service officer” means a person appointed under subsection 5(1) of the Crown Lands and Forests Act; (agent du service forestier)
“judge” means a judge of the Provincial Court of New Brunswick; (juge)
“land registration office” means a registry office established under the Registry Act or a land titles office established under the Land Titles Act; (bureau d’enregistrement des biens-fonds)
“Minister” means the Minister of Natural Resources;(Ministre)
“motor vehicle” means any self-propelled vehicle; (véhicule à moteur)
“permit” means a permit issued under subsection 15(1) that has not expired or been suspended or cancelled and includes a reinstatement, extension, renewal or amendment of such a permit; (permis)
“private lands” means lands other than Crown Lands and other lands vested in the Crown; (terrains privés)
“protected natural area” means a protected natural area established under this Act; (zone naturelle protégée)
“public utility” means a public utility as defined in the Part 3 of the Energy and Utilities Board Act; (entreprise de service public)
“recreational road” means a recreational road designated under paragraph 17(2)(b); (chemin récréatif)
“regionally endangered species” Repealed: 2012, c.6, s.81
“road” includes a trail and bridge; (chemin)
“threatened species” means a threatened species as defined in the Species at Risk Act;(espèce menacée)
“vehicle” means a motor vehicle, bicycle, cart, wagon, trailer or other means of conveyance and includes a watercraft or a railway car and any load carried on, in or by or towed by any of them. (véhicule)
2004, c.20, s.49; 2004, c.12, s.53; 2006, c.E-9.18, s.102; 2012, c.6, s.81; 2013, c.39, s.17; 2016, c.37, s.152; 2019, c.29, s.202; 2023, c.17, s.213; 2024, c.28, s.49